Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1844

A moment later, makabaka escaped from the forest that frightened him with an unprecedented disgrace.

“Hey, some people don’t listen to what they say. They have to torture the poor monk.” Xu Wei folded his hands and looked compassionate. “I don’t want to. I’ve always been compassionate. All this is for world peace. Can you understand, benefactor?”

“Understand, understand, but master, what are you doing holding my hand?”

“Oh, I haven’t been here before. I’m afraid I’ll get lost.” Xu que calmly took the girl’s delicate hand and smiled.

The girl did not doubt him, nodded and continued to walk to the depths of the forest.

On the way, Xu que felt a little strange when he learned that the girl’s name was Rabdosia rubescens.

“Isn’t that the name of Chinese herbal medicine?” Xu lacks a wonderful way.

“Yes, we all use earthly Chinese herbal medicine as our name.” When the girl smiles, two tiger teeth will be exposed outside, which looks particularly cute.

Different from the dangerous forest of chaos in later generations, the eternal forest, as the predecessor of the forest of chaos, seems to be much more peaceful and peaceful.

Tall shrubs covered the sky, and the sun fell down from the cracks of the leaves, making people feel lazy.

Not far away, a few little beasts poked their heads out and looked here curiously, as if they were observing who had entered the forest.

“This is really a good place.” Xu que couldn’t help feeling.

After too much fighting and killing in xianyunzhou, Xu Wei suddenly came to such a peaceful place. He felt that his mind had become calm.

Donglingcao looked at him and said faintly, “the murderous spirit on you is too heavy. If you go on like this for a long time, it will be difficult to go in the future.”

“Yes?” Xu Xu looked at himself.

Where is murderous?

I always value peace. Well, I never disturb and kill.

“If you want to understand the road, you can’t be disturbed by the outside world.” Donglingcao whispered, “aren’t all immortal emperors like this now? Before you want to integrate the avenue, you are bound to choose a clean mind. Otherwise, how can you feel the Tao of heaven and experience the avenue? ”

And this one?

Xu Wei didn’t expect that a girl who wasn’t even a half step Immortal Emperor could know so much.

“You don’t know?” Donglingcao looked at him strangely, “your human friar, the way to cultivate the Immortal Emperor is to understand the avenue, and then replace it with your body. When you completely replace the avenue, you will become the Immortal Emperor.”

“Amitabha, the poor monk is narrow-minded.” Xu Kuang put his hands together and thought that in the world ten thousand years ago, it seems that most of the Immortal Emperor has left. He’d better take it easy.

Isn’t I free?

Take it easy!

I have a system, I am the strongest!

Looking at Xu Duan’s face changing for a while, Rabdosia rubescens couldn’t help covering her mouth and laughing, “your face is so strange, like a chameleon.”

“Ha ha... I’m not in good health.” Xu Wei looked deep in the forest, “how long will it take to get to the gathering place of your race?”

“Soon, right ahead.”

Rabdosia rubescens stretched out its green index finger and went straight ahead.

The space in front of them suddenly twisted, rippling and rotating like water waves, gradually revealing a channel opening.

“This......” Xu que suddenly widened his eyes.

What happened?

Is there an array here?

No! If there is an array, the system should remind me!

“Ding, there is no array here.”

Xu que was even more surprised when he heard the speech and suddenly looked at Rubus rubescens.

“Have you mastered the space Avenue?!”

Donglingcao was startled. Hearing Xu Xu’s question, she smiled and nodded: “this is the talent of our family. We can master the road from birth.”


Xu que was so frightened that he took a breath of air-conditioning.

What kind of abnormal race this special mother is!

According to this principle, doesn’t it mean that once they are born, they are at least half step Immortal Emperor?

“Well... According to you human beings, we are indeed half step Immortal Emperor at birth.” Rabdosia rubescens bit her index finger and nodded for a long time, “but our cultivation is not so high.”

After listening to the explanation of Rabdosia rubescens, Xu Ke understood.

This race has mastered the avenue since birth, but they only have the ability to use the avenue.

In fact, you still need to practice from scratch.

This is like a child born will use a kilo axe, just need to grow up slowly and move the axe bit by bit.

Until the day when you fully own the moving axe, you can really use the avenue.

“It scared me to death. I wondered how such a strong race could be exterminated.” Xu Xu patted his chest and thought.

At this time, the two have crossed the vortex. In front of them is an endless grassland. There are a large number of wooden buildings built together in the distance. I think it should be their place of residence Grandma, I’m back! ” Rabdosia rubescens ran forward happily. The girl’s voice echoed in the air, and soon a mature woman came out of the camp. The woman has a good figure and is more conspicuous than Rabdosia rubescens. Her hair is tied high behind her head, revealing her slender neck like a swan Xiao Dong, it’s great that you’re safe! ” The woman looked at the back of Rabdosia rubescens, her face showing vigilance, “who is he?” Donglingcao hurriedly pulled Xu que over and said, “grandma, this is the man who saved me! His name is Tang Sanzang. He is a monk! ” Monk? ” The woman looked up and down at Fang Ling, bowed and said, “I’m in peace. Thank you so much for saving my granddaughter.” This bow is amazing. Suddenly, it is full of spring, which makes people’s blood expand. Xu kudeng took a breath of air-conditioning and subconsciously wiped his nose: “it’s all right... It’s easy to raise a hand. I’m always happy to help others.” Ah! Tang Sanzang, why do you have nosebleed! ” Rabdosia rubescens suddenly exclaimed. Xu Wei looked at his palm, quickly turned around and wiped it hard. Then he turned around and looked weak: “it doesn’t hurt. He just resisted those foreign demons and suffered some injuries.” The benefactor was injured! ” Hearing this, Shui Sabbath hurriedly took Xu Ke’s hand and walked to the house. “I happen to know a healing spell. Hurry into the house and I’ll treat you as a master.” After a while, Xu que stood in the room, looked at the scene in front of him, and subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water Well... Sister Shui, it’s not right. I’m a monk. ” Shui Ping knelt down in the middle of the room and heard Xu Xu’s words with a strange look in his eyes What’s the matter, Grandpa? Come and lie down quickly. I’ll heal you. ” Then he patted his plump thighs. Xu que suddenly widened his eyes. Ah... So this is the test of fantasy? It’s too hard

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