Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 15 8.4

As the Crown Prince of Tong, Qing Li helda distinguished position, therefore he occupied a seat opposite of Qing Zhang.

He simmered in anger as he watched QingZhang swagger presumptuously like a king. However, he still held himself back.Since he already planned to bring down Duke Ming, he could not openly tear hismask down at the moment. He drank his cup of wine and waited until everyoneelse finished before smiling crookedly and opened his mouth to speak. “RoyalUncle has said it correctly. Our Tong and Xi Lei have been fighting each otherfor years and have spent countless resources. This time, Xi Lei’s king hasgenerously sent an ambassador in order to make peace. It truly is a happyoccasion worthy of celebration.”

He turned towards his beloved concubine,Shang Yi, who refilled his cup with wine. Then smiled at the guest from Xi Leisitting in the neighboring seat. “Ambassador Hao, Assistant Su, let us drinkthis wine as a toast for your King’s health and safety.”

His toast was not intended for Rong Tianbut rather the man who ceased the throne, Rong Tong.

Hao Yuan Jiang was already a senior interms of age and had been serving as an official in Xi Lei for several years,he was a calm and calculating man. He held a cup in both hands and respondedpolitely, “Thanks to your Highness, Prince Qing Li.”

The assistant, Su Jin Chao, the one saidto be Rong Tong’s bosom buddy, was around the same age as Rong Tian. Hisappearance was that of a handsome and refined young master, however his palecomplexion made him look poor and unhealthy. The outline of his chin gave off aharsh and mean impression.

When Rong Tian was in power, he hadrefused to promote him, but now he had shot up to the position of assistantdiplomat. In a high-spirited and frivolous manner, he accepted Qing Li’s wineand ordered a maid to fill up his own cup to make a toast. “With this cup ofwine, I sincerely, on behalf of my king, offer respects to your Highness, QingLi. I hope for your Highness to ascend to the throne sooner. With our alliance,your Highness has no need to worry since Xi Lei will lend a hand when needed.”

“My sincere thanks!” Qing Li’s expressionwas that of excitement.

Qing Zhang’s face turned slightlyunsightly for a moment, but the old fox would not publicly offend therepresentatives from Xi Lei. “Haha,” a sound of laughter came out as if he wasa person from the older generation trying to lecture someone younger. “Qing Lishould be reprimanded. We have three honoured guests who have arrived fromafar, yet you have only paid your respects to one. How do you explain yourneglecting of the two esteemed guests?”

“Royal Uncle, we should be drinkingtogether slowly.” Qing Li then toasted a drink for He Di.

“Prince He Di, Itoast a cup for you and wish for Dan Lin’s royal family eternal peace andtranquility.”

Among those occupying a seat of honour, HeDi was the most laid-back. His body was already leaning on the comfortablepillow with a beautiful attendant on his side serving him wine. Listening tothe toast Qing Li made, He Di knew the fool was trying to flaunt his power infront of Tong’s bigwig officials. Deep within his heart, he could not help butsneer at the man.

Although he only felt contempt towards theman, on the surface, not even a trace of that feeling could be seen. Helanguidly sat up straight and took a cup of wine. “Thank you, your Highness.”

There was a spark of light in his eyesthat he could not restrain when his line of sight landed on a man behind DukeMing on the opposite side.

He had a strong and smooth line ofmuscles. Despite his kneeling position, his body looked like it could leap upat any moment with the full explosive power of an untamed leopard.

However, the expression on his face showedsigns of undying loyalty, his conduct strict and upright.

Stubborn and resolute. Brave and bold.Unflinching even in the face of death.

Such a person, hewondered what kind of captivatingly humiliated expression he would show if his*** was lightly provoked by his tongue.

[TLN: The author censored it.... I wonderwhere the tongue goes..ha ha]

He Di was absorbed in his own wickedthoughts, leading to a reaction from the thing below. Even his throat could nothelp but burn from thirst and desire.

“Wine.” He lazily spit out.

A beautiful and delicate hand eagerlymoved attentively, holding a cup to his lips.

The mellow taste of wine flowed down histhroat but could not eliminate the feeling of thirst and hunger.

However, he was not anxious. He enjoyedthe thrill of the chase. Like a wild animal stalking a struggling antelope, thefeeling before biting at the prey’s neck was similar to the expectation thatpirates feel when coming across a merchant ship carrying treasures. Theyquietly stalk the ignorant prey until nighttime before they completely gainpossession of what they coveted.

A young man who was bold and fierce. Zi Yan, you belong to this Prince.

A wickedly evil smile escaped from hislips.

He really loved Zi Yan’s unwillingexpression.

“Ah,” He Di slowlysaid, “As it turns out, Duke Ming, there are various affairs involved with thepeace treaty that need to be taken care of with the emissary that will bedispatched to Dan Lin. It is better to deal with them sooner since he isalready here. After the banquet, I hope you can send him over to discuss themproperly with Kong Liu.”

[TLN: I admit I am confused and maybe Ihave made inconsistent designation on this few characters. It’s so ancient andI am not keen on researching. So let’s just let loose k. The terms were, HaoYuan Jiang : ambassador , Su Jin Chao: secondary assistant of the ambassador –can be written as diplomat and assistant diplomat. Then there’s Zi Yan: specialenvoy and emissary.]


Feng Ming was slightly startled.

It was not that he was unwilling to lethim go, but to immediately send Zi Yan to them, was that not a tiny bitimpatient.

As he hesitated, a sweet voice of a womaninterrupted. In a polite and gentle manner, the voice asked, “Prince He Di istruly hard-working. Even during such a banquet you are still bringing uppolitical affairs. I wonder what kind of peace treaty has been made that makesyour Highness impatient enough to speak of it at this moment.”

The woman who spokeup was actually Prince Qing Li’s fei, Princess Zhang Liu.

[TN: Fei – Imperialconcubine or Wife of a Prince.]

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