Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 15 1.2

Attendantoutside the King’s tent open the drape of the tent’s door. Inside, rugs donefrom silk with variety refreshing patterns spread fully, this kind ofextravagant lifestyle, surely only fit for a King to enjoy.

"Great King, Si Qiang came." Entering the tent, immediatelyrespectfully knelt down, docile waist down to the warm earth, waiting for theking\'s instructions.


Far above his head, merely a cold word uttered. Si Qiang skilfully getsup from below and following the command, coming less than one foot beside thiscold blooded man\'s feet.

Candles illuminatethe tent from every corner.

Living outside cannot compare to living at the royal palace, even forthe powerful King, inside the King’s tent also simultaneously containsfunctions for political business as well as a function as a living quarters,did not have a separate space for it. Facing the tent’s door, upon the thickrugs, placed a number of valuable cases and a variety of books and a smalltable placed exquisite cups and dish bowls. Hanging behind the King are few pieces ofhis beloved weapons. Carved with coiling dragons, a screen divider was set to separatea soft bed at the back. Draping of curtain flowing with a calming fragrancefrom the incense burner filled the King’s sleeping area completing such a peacefulatmosphere.

Ruo Yan callSi Qiang to come yet has nothing for him to do. Asking Si Qiang to come besidehim, but still looking at the letter in his hand. Deep in thought scanning thenews on the letter from top to bottom, like a standstill mountain, his sittingposture so domineering, giving people an oppressive feeling just by beingnear.

Si Qiangkneeling beside Ruo Yan, quietly raised his eyes to look at this domineeringman silhouettes.

Before being sent away, he had alsoreceived some training, but Li King\'s mind, is really too difficult tospeculate. His awe inspiring face, with a hint of wickedness and profoundknowledge seems to always be making people trembles. A simple expression hidingan infinite depth. Secretly instil fear in men but at the same time also can’thelp but to admire him.

He trainedhis eyes to catch a quick glimpse at the letter in Ruo Yan’s hand then loweredhis eyes and continue with the submissive look.

That sealedletter, inside should be news regarding Xi Lei Duke Ming.

Si Qiangremembered that messenger appearance. Before this, news about Duke Ming also heis the one who has sent it.

Do not knowif it’s the good news or the bad news.....

Body bendingdown to the earth in submissive posture, continuing to kneel. The silenceemitted from the King brings enormous pressure until Si Qiang cannot dare tothink more about it.

Is that goodnews? If it is good news, the King will be very happy, which give Si Qiang goodbenefit. Great King will become gentle. And wheninserting his member to his tight end of thecorridor will use some skill, will be slowly make him use to the pain, althoughramming him up from behind later hardly showing any mercy, but at least theimage he will be showing is contentment rather than the expression of trying tovent his anger.

Sometimes, duringthose contentment times, he would smile lazily while using his fingers to traceand tease his sensitive part of bodies.

Occasionallythere will be rare kisses, this kisses would let Si Qiang felt like he’s losinghis mind and make his body excited until he whimpered.

But if itgoes that way this time wouldn’t it means that his long desire to obtain DukeMing will soon be fulfilled .....

A gap of airseems to disappear from his lung, making it hard to breathe when he thinksabout it. Si Qiang uses his long fingertips to scratch the rug hard and fiercewithout realizing.

“If it’s badnews...... would be nice.......”, this thoughts unconsciously appeared in SiQiang’s mind.

“ Ah”

Above hishead, a casual laughter from the King’s mouth startled Si Qiang from his wildimagination making him trembles slightly. A strong looking finger points at himasking him to come over. Then that finger forced his chin up to look at thosepiercing gaze of Li Kingdom King’s black eyes. “Who serve beside this Kingside, unexpectedly learn to be rude and absent minded? ”

Si Qiangwakes up from his wandering mind and began to panic, "Si Qiang do not...... Si Qiang do not dare ......"

Si Qiang wanted to continue begging for mercy but his bodywas pulled up by a strong arm.Involuntarily his body nestles inside the Li King bosom. That powerfulbody in contrast of his small and delicate structure has been completely envelopedinside the King’s embrace. His body heat seems scalding separating only by abunch of clothes and he sticks to Li King’s chest that resembles a strong wall.

He, did notdare to move but also at the same time don’t want to be moved.

“Do you wantto see it?”Rou Yan took the letter in between his fingers and waves it under SiQiang’s nose.

Although hereally wanted to know about the contents of the letter, but relying on hisinstinct and intuition, Si Qiang immediately shifting his line of sight anddesperately shook his head.

A deeplaughter rumbles near his eardrum, "You are also smart, know the sense ofpropriety." Uttering this sentence, the King\'s voice has become very cold,even when the sound of his voice quite pleasing to hear yet each word carrywith it a hint of chill, "Unlike some, so daring to behave unscrupulously,only making people feel angry”.

Si Qiang alittle stunned, still thinking the meaning of that word but the King alreadycoldly order, "Call the messenger."

Themessenger who arrived during the evening, only stayed near the King’s tentdrinking water and eating while he was waiting for the King’s summon, did notdare to move an inch.

The momentRuo Yan’s ordered, he immediately come.

“Yourservant here, my King”. The messenger kneels down and bow.

Inside LiKingdom, the most powerful person who holds the life and death of its peoplesitting in front of him is embracing Si Qiang in his bosom, with eyes sharplike a hawk staring at the kneeling messenger.

“Why are they selling Duke Ming’sdolls in Fen Cheng?”

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