The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 804 Reunion-1

"I heard he killed the previous master of this island, who was actually one of the most powerful ancient beings at the Fear plane," Mike said with excitement, "hahaha, I can\'t imagine how powerful bro has become."

"Bro?" the Fear plane powerhouses around them dumbfounded.

To call a Nihility being his bro...what the actual fuck?

"How do you know Lord Void Emperor?" one of the Fear plane powerhouses asked Mike.

Dean Lenix, Mike, and Qerin looked at the female Fear plane powerhouse, who looked like a humanoid with Pheonix features.

"I\'ve known him since he had just started his journey of getting stronger," Mike said with a grin, "we basically grew up together."

"I was his mentor and business partner in a lower world," Dean Lenix said with a smile.

"We are all his companions and his family," Qerin said with a smile, "By the way, you think that Morax person died, right?"

"Of course."

The fifty-two Fear plane powerhouses nodded. Two of them brought Dean Lenix, Mike, and Qerin here, while the fifty other powerhouses were simply here to get an audience with Athan.

"Wrong," Dean Lenix shook his head when Fear plane powerhouses thought that Morax had died, "Morax will suffer for eternity because he messed with people that Athan considers his most precious."

"Indeed," Mike nodded with a ruthless grin, "that Morax...he will be tortured for eternity."

Suddenly, twenty Fear plane powerhouses arrived, and with them, there were seven people.

Shiromi, Tealery, Arcued, and Four Nimpere brothers.

Suddenly, everyone saw a spiral beam with black, white, and grey spiral around the beam shooting in the sky from the island. 

Not thirty days, but Athan took only fifteen days to go from 74% to 75% in AFOV.

At this moment, everyone felt an overwhelming pressure as the sky turned black with white and gray waves.

"What\'s going on?"

"This pressure!....This is not something that a Fear plane can produce."

"This phenomenon, I think I have read about it somewhere."

The sky spanning millions of kilometers had turned dark, with white and grey waves spreading everywhere.

"I have also read somewhere about such a similar phenomenon, but the sky\'s colors were different."

"I think it happened approx half a million years ago. At that time, the skies of Outrious Expanse in all zones were colorful with thousands of colors. It was also at that time that all Labyrinths suddenly changed. The fairies inside became more organized, the difficulty was arranged, the rewards became proper and not random."

"Yeah, I remember that Labyrinths before that phenomenon were more chaotic, and the rewards were random. There were no reward palaces in them. The fairies were there, but they were also lazy and unresponsive. Reminds of a day when I almost died in Supremacy-grade Labyrinth because of a fairy that was not supposed to interfere with us."

"I can\'t see further distance, so I can\'t see, but I contacted my friend in the Oukulus zone, and he said that the sky there is not like this."

"That\'s strange. The Labyrinth changing phenomenon appeared in all skies in five zones."

"Whatever it is, we can\'t even come close to it. The pressure it gives to our soul proves that it is outside of our realm."


Primo and other voidlings on the island looked at the sky with an excited expression.

"Master finally integrated whole with the origin Abyssal Void of Fabrication realm! LET\'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Our strength is increasing!"

"I guess we will reach our original level of power at the Fear plane."

Actually, Staercia could still make it such that voidlings would stay at the same power level as Athan, but she decided to remove her suppression after seeing Athan\'s determination.

There was no way Athan would slow down from now on, so she didn\'t want to put needless pressure on him and have him peacefully focus on training.

"I am going to the Origin Outrious Land," Reilei spoke as his eyes glinted with excitement, "come there with Athan when he completely masters AVOF and turns his soul into Origin Abyssal Void of Fabrication soul."

After saying that, Reilei disappeared with his throne.

"He is likely going to go into a slumber there, so that can he pass the time quickly," Jeuwu said with a chuckle.

"The time for revelation has finally come," Lifa muttered as she closed her eyes and leaned back on her throne, \'whether good or bad, we must know about this revelation.\'


The phenomenon in the sky disappeared as Athan finally came out of the cocoon bearing a mystical feeling of the whole world inside him.

And it was indeed as such.



Athan heard a lot of sounds calling him Master in his void region or rather...Origin AVOF realm!

But Athan\'s attention was rapidly turned to the presence he was feeling.

"Everone...they are coming here," Athan uttered with excitement as he came out of the underground chamber.

"Athan? Hahaha, you are finally here!" Dreevindo was constructing a building, right at the place where Athan came out and laughed out joyfully, "how is this land? I have remade it with various artistic buildings and structures! There is also another whole area for people who will come here later and that will be a large city with a market and all of the other things included. But I need more people to finish everything quickly."

Athan smiled at Dreevindo and spoke, "I\'ll arrange everything for you."

"Hahaha, great!" Dreevindo laughed before he smiled shamelessly, "now go. I know you are in a hurry."

Athan flew towards the voidlings gathered in the ground near their exotic houses.


All voidlings shouted with excitement.

"I know," Athan nodded as he lout of all of the voidlings from his AVOF realm.


"Master, we finally meet you! Hahaha!"

All 79 voidlings gathered together, and their fearsome Fear plane aura made it more overwhelming. But none of the aura went out of the island, so people outside didn\'t know that there were 79 Fear plane powerhouses on this island.

"Everyone! Listen!" Athan said to everyone as all voidlings looked at him.

"We will go outside and bring my companions inside. There are seventy-something people outside, but they are all apex beings, and for now, you all are no match for them," Athan spoke with a serious expression.

Indeed, all Fear plane powerhouses are basically at Tier-1 outrious power like voidlings; even if they didn\'t have tier-1 outrious power at first, they have elevated their powers to tier-1 by reaching the Fear plane. 

Unlike these voidlings with limited experience and a low level of battle techniques, those powerhouses had become strong from weak and were masters of their own style.

Meanwhile, these voidlings were directly born at the Fear plane.

"What do we do, Master?" Taezin asked with a ruthless expression, "if anyone dared to oppose you, We would destroy them even if it means getting ourselves killed."



All voidlings fervently shouted as it was their sole purpose in life. To support their Master in any situation!

Athan smiled and was moved by them. But he had no intention to sacrifice voidlings for his gains.

"We are not in any danger now. Just listen, they don\'t know that my power has regressed, and I am just an Arbiter plane powerhouse right now instead of Nihility plane," Athan said.

Voidlings nodded as they listened.

"But they can\'t gauge my power unless I use my powers," Athan said as he continued, "I will not go outside to meet them, but you all go together and...without causing any ruckus or causing trouble, bring back our companions inside."


"Master, will you please grant us names like you did to Primo and others after we bring everyone back?"

Athan smiled and nodded, "I will."

"Listen, don\'t cause ruckus outside. If they ask about me, then tell them that I don\'t wish to be disturbed," Athan said before he spoke with a ruthless glint, "however, you must speak with confidence as well. Speak with the confidence that your Master, I, is the most powerful person in the world."

All voidlings nodded with excited expressions.

"Go," Athan said with a smile.


Outside, people were waiting for the black entrance gate with white and grey patterns to be opened that Athan created.

Suddenly, all seventy-four Fear plane powerhouses saw the gate opening.

But right after that, all people were shocked and startled as they sensed Seventy-nine different Fear plane auras.

The giant entrance gates finally opened as seventy-nine voidlings with different shapes, bodies, and races came out of the gate.

"So you are finally willing to us?" Eldest Nimpere said with a grin as he looked at the voidlings.

"Hehe, we have met our Master, so we indeed can finally meet you," a voidling that was like a ninja turtle spoke as he looked at Eldest Nimpere brother. This Ninja-turtle voidling infused his core outrious power to the Eldest Nimpere brother.

"Come on, get inside," Primo spoke with a grin.

Mike, Qerin, Shiromi, Tealery, Arcued, Dean Lenix, and Nimpere brothers walked towards the voidlings.

"Void Emperor!" Arcued spoke with the highest excitement as his face turned red, "Tealery, Emperor is now Emperor of all!"

"Will it be possible for us to be granted an Audience with Lord Void Emperor?"

"We wish to meet him."

Some Fear plane powerhouses spoke.

But Taezin snorted loudly and spoke, "Master is not someone that you can casually meet. He wants to spend time with his family first, and then if he wants to grace you all with his presence, he will do so himself."

"Don\'t waste your time standing here," Infernox said as the tiny wisp burned intensely, "Master will also give you rewards for bringing all people displayed in the recording once all of them have arrived here."

"For now, focus on bringing back those people here."

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