Way of the Knights

Chapter 591 - 1st Checkpoint


"...so that\'s what happened." Charles said after Raven explained what he saw as soon as they came out from the Trial Gate. 

The War Gods looked at each other and nodded. They then tried to summon their Slaughter Domains to confirm if what they heard was true. 

Just like before, a dome immediately appeared around them. A palpable killing intent manifested from their bodies and caused the world to lose it\'s color. Seeing that it was real, the War Gods were momentarily surprised but went ecstatic afterwards. Unfortunately, since their leaking too much killing intent, the glee they felt caused their expressions to twist in a deformed malicious smile which could send shivers to anyone\'s spine. 

They all noticed this and retracted the domain afterwards. Raven released a sigh. The effect of stacked Slaughter Domains certainly didn\'t feel good, specially that it\'s a genuine one. 

"Now, we can truly live up to the title of War Gods. I feel strangely complete." Theo cackled as he felt rather pleased with this surprising gain. 

The rest didn\'t say anything but inwardly agreed. 

"Oh! I can\'t wait to show this to the rest. I can\'t wait to see their faces when they found out that we have Slaughter Domains and they don\'t." Logan rubbed his palms with an excited face as he can\'t wait until their next meeting. 

"Before we start thinking about that, how about we clear this challenge before us first, yeah?" Henry certainly didn\'t miss a chance to rain on Logan\'s parade as he said this, causing Logan to glare hatefully at him. 

"He has a point you know." Charles nodded, "Additionally, we\'ll be stuck here for quite sometime. A lot can happen within a day, not to mention years. Don\'t celebrate just yet and focus on the trials." 

"Now that you say that, why don\'t we enter the formation instead of standing here while its raining? That would be a better way to rest, no?" Theo mentioned, causing the rest to finally get the idea. 

Actually, it was Raven who wanted to take them inside the formation first, however the War Gods remained oblivious about it and he didn\'t want to interfere with their new found power, he understood how it feels anyway. Therefore, he could only sneakily send Theo some clues so that they\'ll get idea. 

Thankfully, it worked out well. They all entered the formation and Raven guided them towards the table he prepared before. They dried themselves easily and enjoyed the meal. Unlike before, the War Gods aren\'t that tired nor injured so they took their time. 

By the end of their meal, they all decided to rest and continue the journey tomorrow. 

Whether it is another trial or the 1st Checkpoint that\'s waiting for them, they\'ll eventually find out. 


The team rested for half a day before deciding to continue with their journey. 

On the way, Raven couldn\'t help but notice the path they were taking. 

Although it was hardly noticeable, the road they were taking definitely shrank for a bit. This caused Raven to feel a little suspicious. He ended up not saying anything though as he it wouldn\'t be too late to tell them later anyways. 

Along the way towards their destination, the War Gods talked about their previous experiences on the 3rd Trial where they lived their lives as a mere mortal. No cultivation, no seclusion or anything, just a plain old life of a regular mortal. 

Now that they have calmed down from the events, they were able to accurately remember what happened to them. They all lived a total of 9 mortal lives. Some of them were born in a wealthy background while others were orphans. Some managed to succeed in life while others died as either a slave or a beggar. 

It didn\'t matter who, all of them felt the experience truly humbling. They all felt somewhat fortunate about their current lives as they have a pretty long life expectancy, additionally they didn\'t have to fear any kind of mortal ailments at all since reaching this point of cultivation, they\'ve become absolutely immune from it. 

Of course, experience is still experience. Maybe it was due to them understanding the frailty of life that they were able to truly understand the effects and consequences of taking it, allowing them to grasp the essence of Slaughter, allowing them to have the Slaughter Domain. It\'s a bit ironic but that\'s what most likely happened. 

The team travelled for several weeks. The climate still remained rather stormy, there were even times when they were nearly struck by lightning, fortunately they managed to evade it and come out unscathed. They continued their hike until they finally saw something. 

It was a huge gate which lead towards the interior of the Mount Olympus. The gate was tall and looked somewhat familiar, at least for Raven that is. 

"Oh, it\'s the checkpoint." Charles pointed out as soon as they laid eyes on the huge gates. 

"That gate leads to the checkpoint?" Raven asked, to which the War Gods nodded. 

"We\'ve been here before remember?" Henry reminded, causing Raven to immediately understand. "Remember that kind of gate, the one that leads within the inner mountain. That\'s where the checkpoint is. In there, we\'ll be safe even without that formation of yours, plus there are merchants in there, meaning that we could re-stock our supplies."

"I see." Raven replied as he nodded his head. He then looked at the gates and remember what it generally looks like. 

Seeing that they are on safe territory, they decided to pick up the pace and enter the checkpoint. 

The gates were even larger that what Raven originally expected now that he\'s face to face with it. He couldn\'t help but to think if it\'s really necessary for them to build it this tall, they looked like ants compared to it. 

"Come, let\'s open it." Henry said as he and Theo went on the right gate while Logan and Charles went on the left. "You too, Raven. Go on the middle."

Raven unconsciously followed Henry\'s orders, placing each hand at the gates. 

"On my mark, alright? Put your back onto it!" Henry yelled as he went into position. "Ready, get set, go! Push!!!"

Raven was immediately shocked to his core once he started pushing. 

\'Damn! This thing is heavy!\' He exclaimed inwardly. \'I mean, I was expecting it to have some weight due to it\'s size but this is crazy!!\' 

Veins bulged on his neck as he struggled to summon his strength to push the gates open. Even with the collaborative effort of four War Gods and him, they only managed to wedge it open by mere inches. 

It had to be known that Raven was grossly strong due to the adjustments he experienced with his Cosmic Energy. For him to visibly struggle in opening this gate is a proof of it\'s sheer difficulty. 

However, even if he\'s having a hard time, Raven felt rather good. He welcomed this kind of challenge. Sensing the difficulty of opening the gate, Raven was fired-up. He summoned even more strength to aid him in opening this thing.

His arms bulged ever so slightly as he grunted heavily while pushing. Since he increased his strength, the gate opened slightly faster. Raven pushed with all of his might, taking one firm step after another, surprising even the War Gods who\'s pushing alongside of him. 

The gate made a loud creaking sound as it was opening. The gap became wider and wider until it was finally enough to fit a person. 

"Okay, that should be enough. Let\'s enter, quick!" Henry said as they let go of the gates and rushed in to enter. 

Once they were all inside, they saw how the gates closed up swiftly with a bang. All of them were panting, feeling their arms sore with how hard they pushed. Once they got some strength back, they then began to inspect the interior of the checkpoint. 

"It\'s it just me, or that gigantic dude is staring at me?" Raven leaned towards Henry and whispered at his ears. 

The rest of his teammates looked over and saw the one that Raven\'s referring to. 

There was a gigantic being, sitting in front of an equally huge table, staring down at them. Well, more specifically at Raven. If this thing stood up, it might even reach the 500 meter mark. The giant looked like a human except for its size.

"He is staring at you, but don\'t be afraid. He\'s an ally. Think of him as the guardian of this checkpoint." Henry said. "Come, let\'s go closer." 

Raven didn\'t say anything and followed them instead. Once they approached the giant, the War Gods performed a salute, which Raven did as well, although a little bit late since he wasn\'t informed. 

"Greetings, Guardian." Henry spoke, "We came here to seek shelter and to re-supply."

The guardian didn\'t speak, it merely looked at Henry for a brief moment before writing something down and tearing it. The giant then gave then the paper he tore and then looked at Raven once more. 

"You." The guardian pointed at Raven, causing the latter to be shocked. "Yes, you. What\'s your name?"

"It\'s Vendrick Valorheart, Sir. But the people who are close to me call me Raven instead." 

"Raven huh?" The giant murmured, his eyes turned murky for a bit before he eventually said: "Very well. Do you whatever you like." 

The giant waved his hand at them as if shoo-ing them away, causing the team to feel very confused.

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