Way of the Knights

Chapter 482 - Rewards I


"Alright, everyone\'s here. It\'s time to check out our rewards!" Jason said in an upbeat tone as all of them sat in a circle. 

He stood up and walked towards the middle where a huge box was placed. Jason lifted the lid under everyone\'s gaze and as soon as he did so, the room they were in immediately brightened up due to the light coming out of the box. 

As the one who opened the box, Jason was the first one to see its contents. His reaction was rich and visible to some of his teammates, making them tense up and unconsciously raise their expectations. 

Jason swallowed some spit as his hands trembled while he reached out for the first item. Under everyone\'s watch, he lifted the first item and instantly it was exposed for everyone to see. 

The item on his hand looked like a toy, it was a miniature chariot being pulled by wooden horses. Nevertheless, none of them here were idiots. Judging by the energy fluctuation being released by this \'toy\', it was evident that it\'s not just a simple item. 

"I think this is a shuttle." Jason murmured as he handed it to the person closest to him, allowing them to inspect it. Each member of the unit had the chance to inspect it closely and pretty much agreed with Jason\'s guesses. 

"How do we activate this again?" Michelle asked as she passed the miniature shuttle to the person next to her which happens to be Raven. 

Jason didn\'t know how to reply, he was considering the idea of asking Henry about it when Raven suddenly spoke.

"See this circle right here?" Raven pointed out, causing many eyes to focus on him. "It\'s divided into twelve parts which coincides with how many of us are here in the team. This fella needs a drop of our blood so that any of us would be able to activate it."

As he said this, Raven nicked a wound on his finger and placed a drop of his blood om the shuttle, more specifically on the circle that he pointed out earlier. Once he did so, everyone saw how his blood was absorbed and one part of circle\'s division lit up red, signifying that his words were accurate. 

He then passed it over to Jason who did the same thing. Once everyone\'s blood was absorbed by the shuttle, it suddenly trembled and released a bright light as well a unique fluctuation that swept through each of them. All of a sudden, information came rushing towards their brain. The said information were details on how to activate the shuttle and how to take care of it. 

As soon as everyone assorted the new things that they learned, Jason took the shuttle and placed it beside him. They will test out the carriage later, for now there are other items in the box to inspect. 

Jason returned his attention inside the box and picked up another item. 

What he got on his hands were an item set. A series of flags filled with different runes and a black sphere connected to each flag with an almost invisible string. 

Some people were clueless about this item but others weren\'t. 

"Ooh! Array Core and Flags! An exotic item!" Edward exclaimed as he leaned closer to look. Jason handed the item towards him since this guy knows that it is. 

Edward inspected it closely for a while and released a long sigh: "Man, I can\'t believe we got something like this for free. This must be hella expensive." 

"What does it do?" Franklin asked.

"Using simpler terms, this thing could open up a pocket dimension." Edward stated much to the shock of everyone around. "It won\'t just make us very secure, it also doesn\'t block the vision outside. Meaning that we can see what\'s happening on our surroundings while we are inside a pocket dimension. I don\'t know how stable the pocket dimension is but since it\'s crafted here, then I trust the quality. We really lucked out on this one."

"If that\'s true then it really must be an expensive item. We better take good care of it. Even though Senior Brother Henry said that infighting is prohibited in the sect, I somehow don\'t entirely believe in it." Ryan stated which acted as a warning for the team as a whole. 

"I agree with him. Humans, specially when faced with a desperate situation, won\'t hesitate to do the unthinkable. We better be on guard with the other Units but don\'t make it obvious. We\'ll work together from now on." Franklin added. 

And just like before, every person on the team inspected the item closely before returning it to Jason. He placed it down and took another item from the box. This time it was a small crate filled with glasses that exudes an aromatic scent. 

Raven didn\'t need to see for him to know that these are, without a doubt, medicinal pills. And from the scent alone, he could tell that they were concocted by a grandmaster. 

"Medicinal Pills. There\'s three crates here, each are filled with twelve bottles so one for each of us." Jason stated. He briefly inspected the crates and tried to look for some details but failed to see one, causing him to frown. 

"What\'s wrong?" Nelson asked as he saw Jason frowning. 

"Uh, well. I can\'t see any details about what these pills do. There\'s no list or labels attached to the crate. Are they expecting us to take it and consume it without knowing what they are?"

"Bring it to me." Raven stated softly, causing everyone to focus on his again. "I dabbled in Alchemy a bit. I should be able to tell what they do."

"Hey! Isn\'t that too risky? Just because you know some Alchemy doesn\'t mean that you can just guess what these pills can do. They are made by the experts of the sect, your meager skills would just lead us astray." 

Some people weren\'t even surprised anymore that for some reason, under any circumstances available, this woman will never hesitate to grasp the chance to antagonize Raven and demean him in every way she could think of. 

"Woman." A single word from Floyd not only changed the strange atmosphere that threatened to descend upon them but also intimidated Mira and her twin sister greatly.

"You are a bitch do you know that?" Floyd continued, causing Mira\'s face to turn ugly. "Not only do you not contribute, you even tried to prevent others from helping. I\'m starting to think that you\'re doing this in purpose, which also makes me want to cut you down." 

"T-that\'s not…" Before she could even finish her words, she was stopped by Michelle.

"Girl, what is wrong you really? Why do you hold such a profound hatred against him? Did he do something to you?" Michelle asked with a serious tone. "I never saw him doing anything to you. He had been great help to all of us so why are you doing this? Is there something you want to let us know?"


"Please just ignore her, she\'s just tired, anxious and unsettled. Must be the air around here. She\'ll be fine I promise, I\'ll take to her later." Pyra interjected before Mira could even speak, she\'s also discretely pinching her sister\'s sides to prevent her from talking. 

"Alright, we\'ll do as you say." Jason pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to diffuse the awkwardness thanks to Mira. He then handed the crates towards Raven and said: "Give it a try, if you can\'t find anything then we\'ll ask Senior Brother instead."

Raven nodded, completely ignoring the raging violet witch not too far from him. 

He picked up one bottle from the top crate and placed it closed to his nose. As soon as he inhaled the scent of the medicine, his knowledge about Alchemy started working and immediately allowed him to more or less figure out what the medicine does. 

Under everyone\'s questioning gaze, he lifted his sleeve and clawed on his entire arm, leaving a long and ugly gash and causing the majority of the team to be alarmed. But under their dumbstruck gazes, he popped the cork from the bottle, took a single pill out and shaved some power from the pill. 

He gathered the shaved powder, which was barely visible, and sprinkled it on his injured arm. 

Everyone watched as the large gash on his arm healed a visible pace. The wound closed up and the scars dried up, leaving on scabs that scattered off with a blow of air from him. 

He then placed the pill back on the bottle, sealed it once again with the quirk and placed it beside him. He then looked at them as explained:

"As you witnessed just now, this bottle contains a healing pill. Each pill is incredibly potent which makes me believe that this can save you from the brink of death and return you to your peak state in no time. In short, this is a life-saving pill. This should be some sort of life insurance, so keep it close and take care of it."

When Raven finished his explanation, the whole room descended into silence. 

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