Murim Recurve

Chapter 290 - The Country Border

The border was a clear indication of the war between the two races. If the influence of the Kalki over the land increased, the border will move closer to the Treka Fort. And similarly, if their influence reduced, the border would move closer to their fort.

And at present, since the border was in the centre of the battlefield, it meant both sides were equally matched. Though, the two Elders knew that wasn\'t the case. Their land wasn\'t even completely theirs yet.

So, they had to first collate it and completely convert it into their land. Until then, staying put in a defensive war was in their best interests. And besides, their land was already massive and their population hadn\'t grown to the extent they felt the land was insufficient.

So, throughout history, the Kalki had never invaded. Though, the recent Raid into the land of the Treka was a first, showing that they too were capable of it when needed.

The two Elders stopped automatically, taking in the grandeur of their fort. Spanning a height of 1000 metres, the walls alone were massive. And, situated atop it were buildings, each equally massive.

Among the three layers of the walls, the second layer was the thickest, having a breadth of 200 metres. And, built atop it were rows of buildings within which everyone who stayed in the Bura Fort lived.

The Bura Fort spanned a massive distance, having commanding structures at equal intervals, manned by a Martial Master each. After all, two Elders from every Elemental Clan were sent to the Bura Fort, permanently commanded to serve until their deaths.

And, every Elemental Clan governed a portion of the fort, defending against all the attacks in their particular area. And considering the sheer length of the fortress, it was too huge to be commented upon.

Just the population of the people living in it crossed a million. After all, it formed the southern border of their entire state. Moreover, they had all needs within the place to remain self-sufficient. And when necessary, orders would be passed to the three cities of the state to supply them with the necessities.

The Yali carrying the two Elders didn\'t stop as it continued to fly over the fort walls, eliciting numerous stares from the soldiers below. But, as they had recognised the Yali, they didn\'t comment anything about it, silently watching the Yali fly above their heads.

After flying for some time, the Yali arrived before a massive palace. The height of the palace didn\'t surpass the other buildings, looking any different. But, its base was situated deeper than the other buildings, creating an overall bigger structure.

After all, in the place it stood, the height of the walls only reached 800 metres.

The Yali swiftly flew through the palace in a hurry as the Burkurel Royal Clan Elder was sweating, unable to maintain the three spheres of Kalki Qi any longer. The soldiers stationed at the place were all people at the peak of the Harmoniser Realm, having Elemental Qi between 90-100 units.

When they noticed the Yali approaching the palace, they had intended to stop them and conduct the formalities. But, upon receiving orders from their higher-ups, they allowed entry. As the Yali flew further, the Harmonisers were eventually replaced by Martial Masters. There were hundreds at the place.

It seemed they had assembled for an important meeting. Otherwise, most of them would be present in their respective stations. But, the two Elders currently didn\'t have time to think as the Yali carrying them flew forth, soon entering a hall where it began to tremble upon entry, almost suffocated. The Elders were no different.

Upon noticing their condition, the presence that caused them to tremble vanished as they were able to breathe freely once again. The Burkurel Ki Clan Elder jumped forth and landed on the floor, gazing at the figure before her that was veiled by a curtain of water.

But, unlike the Re Clan\'s arrangement where the water would fall from top to bottom, the water here was moving in the reverse. And, once it touched the ceiling, it branched out into numerous channels, flowing into the water reserves of the fort.

The entity in charge of the place was using its affinity towards Water Qi to pull up the water through the tremendous height of 1000 metres like a water pump and supply it to the rest of the fort.

The Burkurel Ki Clan Elder immediately bowed a little before showcasing the three Kalki Qi spheres on her hands, "Celestial King Bura, in light of recent incidents, we searched through the Settlements of Burkurel City and discovered some unusual people in whom their Kalki Qi didn\'t flow into their heads. It was blocked…"

"Understood," A dignified voice resounded from behind the curtain as the three Kalki Qi spheres flew towards it. The water curtain morphed as it branched, forming a hand of water that grabbed the man the Burkurel Re Clan Elder carried.

The moment the curtain of water morphed into a hand, the two Elders were able to witness the figure seated behind.

Spanning a height of twenty metres, it was a massive figure. Sporting long blue hair that resembled a waterfall, she was like the personification of a river. Her entire figure seemed like it had been sculpted by metal, seeming stronger than the fortress walls.

Her eyes glistened like gems of fire as she gazed at the man carried by her water hand. She hadn\'t even moved to use it, relying on her affinity to the element alone to achieve this. The moment her eyelids flapped, arcs of lightning sparked.

Before her, the man seemed like an ant, tiny, only a little bigger than her eyes. It seemed just the flapping of her eyelids would send him flying away.

The three Kalki Qi spheres flew before her as she looked into them once before directing her gaze at the man. She frowned, focusing on his neck. But suddenly, the place began to tremble mildly as the eyelids of her third eye fluttered.

Unanimously, all the soldiers on the fort walls, Harmonisers and Martial Masters included, kneeled on the ground instantly the moment her third eye opened. She was a figure from the legend, someone who had once made her mark in their race\'s history and had maintained it to date.

Celestial King Bura!

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