The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 328 Hurmots Counteroffer

Chapter 328 Hurmot“s Counteroffer

"I’ve got to go now, Hurmot. My new Minokawa just finished talking with some Golden Condors."

"Wait! Jack--"

Before Hurmot had the chance to reply, the conversation was already cut short.

"Blast! Jack, at least make me an offer or bargain with me... Why must you force me to make such drastic decisions," the old man mumbled to himself in the privacy of his own office.

Hurmot sighed and looked around at the spacious room where he spent most of his waking hours. On the walls were many different decorations and awards, given to Hurmot by kings and nobles for all the contributions the Celestial Crane had given across Kartonia. Of the thirty-two nations of Modern Kartonia, more than twenty were represented along the walls of the office.

"Trodar... I’ve only visited and never stayed long..."

Hurmot stood up and started to pace around the room. He was trying his best to figure out what Jack might be up to and, more importantly, what effect would that have on Trodar or the world at large since the revival of the most ancient, active guild would be monumental news.

"Jack mentioned that he would already have control of five of the eleven council seats, something that I can’t question. Through bribery alone, Jack could control most of the council if he wished... But if he only has five seats, did he do something other than buy favor of a few council members?

"Maybe... He’s using his wealth on the guild? If that’s the case, even he can’t afford the council members forever. At most, it would be for a few major decisions but they could still turn against him in the end.

"Then if he’s paying for the guild’s revival and knows Tralon well enough for the ancient mage to personally make time for Jack’s surprise wedding, who could he be?"

The further down the rabbit hole Hurmot went, the more he realized how important Jack must have been in the past.

But that didn’t make sense either, since Jack must’ve been around lv. 30 at most when they first met at Jack’s wedding. That would mean Jack wasn’t even lv. 30 as an ancient hero and was too weak to hold any position of authority. Yet Tralon clearly had a personal relationship with Jack and Jack was now leading Tralon and Argyle through the legendary storehouse of the Leisure Guild.

"Who in Halmut’s beard is he... And where did he gain such wealth in the first place?

"... Should I dare try and help the boy?"

While Hurmot was caught in thought, a voice eventually rang out in his head for the second time that day.

"Hurmot, are you busy?"

"Jack... Are you finally going to let me strike a deal?"

"Sorta. I’m calling to ask what you’ll offer me for five Celestial Cranes."

"Five of them... Jack, every time we have an exchange you always succeed at amazing me," replied Hurmot.

"What’s important is your offer for the five cranes. They refuse to go alone, so it’s five cranes or no cranes," Jack stated.

"Well... I believe one will already be covered by something from our restricted storage, right?"

"Then I’ll get five things from your restricted storage? Wow, you’re more generous than I gave you credit," Jack laughed.

With a sigh, Hurmot shook his head. "I can’t offer you five items from there, but that leaves us with the cost of the other four... How many would be covered by my opening of a Gilga branch?"

"That depends. How big is it and who would be running it?"

"It would be my manager, the one you constantly denied entry to at the last auction," Hurmot chuckled. "It would be small in terms of manpower, but we would still hold local auctions and add to the overall influence of Gilga, no?"

"Hmm..." Jack scratched his head, noting that Hurmot had been pondering Jack’s words between their calls. "That can count for one of the others. But what about the other three?"

"Only one? Do you realize the cost of such a venture? It should be at least two of them."

"Fine, we’ll say one and a half. Happy?" replied Jack. "If you were the one heading the Gilga branch, then I could make it two and a half."

"Only that much? If I personally go to Gilga, it should cover the four remaining cranes as a bare minimum. And that’s without me daring to enter the election. I’ve managed to keep out of politics in Federal City and I’d especially prefer not to get involved in Trodar’s complicated situation."

"I guess you’re pretty wise but you’re not much of an opportunist. How did you manage to start an auction house?" Jack joked.

"Enough laughter, I’m serious about this deal, Jack. And what would it take for me to join you in the storehouse?"

"Hurmot, I already told you that much."

One eyebrow raised and a sour smile across his face, Hurmot scoffed, "Jack, you can’t expect me to accept such terms. Tell you what, I’ll send my manager to open a Gilga branch and you can take two treasures out of my restricted storage with my permission."

"Open the Gilga branch and make it one item that I can take whether you like it or not, then the five cranes are yours."


"What’s wrong? Do you have something so valuable that you can’t refuse to lose it at the expense of such amazing beasts?" mocked Jack.

"Two items with my permission, Jack. Take it or leave it." Playing hardball, Hurmot drew the line.

"Since you won’t agree... I guess the Leisure Guild will have to take care of the cranes."

"But we had a--"

"We never reached mutual terms, so don’t say we had a deal and cry so badly, Hurmot," Jack explained. "As for treasures, I doubt anything you’ll let me have from your storage can rival what I’ll find in our vault, so why bother? Plus, I’m certain the Leisure Guild could use five Celestial Cranes ranging from lv. 61 to lv. 66."

More frustrated and irritated than he had ever been in the past decade, Hurmot groned to suppress his cursing towards Jack. "My offer is more than reasonable, you know that Jack."

"You’re right, it is. But I’m not being reasonable. Why should I act reasonably when I’m the one holding all the cards and you’re not meeting my needs?" Jack reasoned, getting Hurmot to clench his teeth.

Without wasting another moment, Hurmot ended that conversation and called someone else in the party. "Tralon, I already know where you are. How much would it cost to join you in the storehouse?"

"Hurmot, I..."

"... Tralon?"

"Calling Tralon won’t do you any good, Hurmot."

"Jack?! Return Tralon his crystal at once. I’m dealing with your guild leader so you have no say in this."

"Really? So if I say that you’re not allowed to join us without my permission and then I let you ask Tralon, what do you think will happen?"

Hurmot wanted so much to answer and rub a victory in Jack’s face. But something felt off. How had Jack taken Tralon’s crystal without a fight? And why was he so confident despite the level difference and Tralon being the guild leader over Jack?

"Can I speak with Tralon, please?"

"Sure, but good luck. You’ll need it," Jack laughed, passing Tralon his crystal.


"Tralon, I know that the guild has been lacking funds for some time. I can--"

"Hurmot, allow me to stop you there," Tralon calmly interjected. "I’m sorry, but if Jack says you can’t enter or that the Leisure Guild will assume ownership of the cranes, then that’s how it will be."

"But Tralon... You can’t be serious? Why are you letting him walk all over you? He’s not even level--"

"He’s stronger than you realize, Hurmot. By the time we exit the storehouse, Jack will be lv. 50 along with his Hell-flame Fox companion. And now he’s made friends with a Minokawa as well, so I dare you to say that Jack isn’t as capable as I am," explained Tralon. "He’s the one you’re dealing with, not me."

"..." Hurmot was infuriated and perplexed, unable to think of a reply.

Again, Jack’s voice returned to Hurmot’s mind. "So, is our discussion over or not?"

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