Global Evolution

Chapter 421

There are strange eyeballs hidden in the paper of each willow tree - it looks very terrible - these eyeballs are slightly different from ordinary tree eyes . Although they are still growing in the trees one day, they are more like the embedded eyeballs embedded in the trees . One by one, with the willow paper, flutters around the edge of the forest, flapping in the wind .

"Will it be all right?" Liu Chang looked at Manyao’s eyes and asked .

"Trust the protonuclear elders . " Li Qingshui said a word, the first step into the willow jungle .

Feeling the change, the willow fresh paper fell from the top of the soft tree . A strange eye floated to Li Qingshui under the swing of the paper . After a large number of up and down, it shrank back .

"We are classified as ordinary . " Li Qingshui said back, let Liu Chang follow up .

"This strange Amber Stone also has the effect of deceiving the eyes to cover up the sound?" Liu Chang doubts also followed up, did not cause the attention of those who wait and see eyeball .

"Since it’s a deceptive thing, it’s not difficult to walk out with false influence and sound . Since the protonuclear elder can deceive the willow’s calculation ability, naturally he has to calculate all Li Qingshui looked at the lush forest on the upper side, stepping on the ground without grass, and went to the depth of the jungle .

Walking in the willow forest, Liu Chang and Li Qingshui can’t enter too fast . Even if Bi Jing can cheat the voice and image, if the moving speed is too fast, the amount of information leaked will be too much .

This is like, in front of the police in front of the disguise of the intruder, pretending to walk into the road, if you take out the gun, then you don’t know what the consequences will be .

After slowing down his pace, he also gave Liu Chang more opportunities to observe willows .

"The willow paper is so luxuriant that it almost blocks the light on the young leaves . " Liu Chang looked up to see the composition of the "forest" -- there was only willow in the forest, and there was no longer any luxuriant Artemisia and a variety of small shrubs .

The tall branches of the willow trees are thick and deep into the ground . The tiny branches on the ground are the twigs of the willows that hang down in the air . They are no longer ferns such as Parthenocissus tricuspidata, but the strips of paper and leaves intertwined with the willows themselves .

"Every leaf seems to move . " Liu Chang walked in the willow jungle, picked up a small gravel from the ground, and slowly touched a willow delicate paper, and then the paper seemed to be able to sense the touch of foreign objects, and suddenly curled up in a touch .

"It looks weird . " Throwing away the broken stones, Liu Chang quickened his pace .

Two into forward, a few steps, you see a strange beast - there are many wild animals in the jungle, but when you don’t attack them, it’s hard for them to see them because they have their own nest and have a sense of self-protection . Liu Chang didn’t mean to dodge the beast’s arrival, but he didn’t pay any attention to it .

Liu Chang and Li Qingshui are on the back of a willow forest . It’s hard to see what the monster is confronting . But obviously, this strange scene arouses Li Qingshui’s curiosity .

"Go and have a look . " Li Qingshui stepped forward a few steps, and Liu Chang saw a strange beast bound by willow paper .

The beast in the bundle and the beast in front of it are the same species . They both look like pangolins and look like omnivores .

At this time, the strange beast was being lashed by several willows, and its shape was terrible .

"Isn’t it that after the willow expansion, it’s no longer targeted at animals? What’s the matter with this tie up? " Liu Chang looked at the magic, "if you want to say that willow needs nutrition, it should be absorbed directly . It seems that this beating is not the style of willow . He is not such a boring tree . "

"I think these pangolin like things are destroying trees for no reason . " Li Qingshui couldn’t see the clue in the willow jungle, so he could only guess: "I heard that willow even allowed animals to eat his tubers or branches . But if animals destroy their bodies for no reason, they may be branded with some spiritual fear . "

When Li Qingshui was talking, Liu Chang saw the huge pangolin in front of him . It seemed that he wanted to save his companion to tear up the branches of the willow tree that whipped his companion . However, he was not the opponent of the paper . He would be whipped away every time he approached .

"Let’s go . " With a thoughtful sigh, Li Qingshui and Liu Chang are on their way again .

In the willow jungle, although the speed of the two entrants could not be increased to violate the conventional rules, it still reached the limit standard of the abnormal entry class on one day . Therefore, the two entrants did not run long before reaching the first city in the willow jungle .

Li Qingshui chose this route . He would pass through the city on his way . His purpose of choosing the surrounding areas of the city as his route was to see what willow trees had to do with the existing attitude towards the city . "Cangzhou is ahead . " Li Qingshui, walking in the willow forest, pointed to several stone pillar fragments on the ground and said: "beside are some ruins of Huangshi Expressway before . There are counties and towns around the city . I would like to see if willows have bypassed these villages and towns . "

Walking forward slowly, two into and out of the line after nearly 100 kilometers, the eyes suddenly suddenly suddenly opened up - unlike the feeling of trees gradually thinning out of the jungle before . The dividing line between the willow jungle and the town is very obvious, just like the one approved by Yaoshen with a giant knife . On one side, there are classified cities and the other is willow jungle On this side of the willow jungle, there is the dense forest with almost no sunshine, while on the other side, there are almost no weeds .

"The willows have absorbed all the nutrients of those plants, and the ground has been hollowed out, so it looks so distinct . " As Li Qingshui walked, he seemed to think of the willow roots he saw in the underground sewer in Kaifeng . At that time, the willow roots twisted slowly under the city, but the trees outside the city flourished one day .

"Well, before the willows came, those plants were very lush in both the city and the surrounding areas . It was hard to clean them up . I can’t imagine that now they are all withered . " Liu Chang looked down and saw a cut-off wood . The water in the end wood has been completely absorbed . It seems that if you touch it again, it will turn into powder .

"In front of you . " Two into walking, just ready to go out of the forest, but in the thick fog after the trees, saw a few shaking into the shadow . (to be continued)

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