Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 40 - Young Buckets

Jason was getting a headache thinking about all of this. He didn\'t think that convincing Tyreek to do the show would be so complicated.

Jason ran his hands through his hair before he ruffled it in annoyance \'Fuck it! I\'ll do it! I\'ll convince Tyreek\'s niece to stop the gang bullshit and I\'ll get Tyreek to do the show! I\'ll do it you fucking system!\'

Jason took a deep breath before looking up at Tyreek "What if I talk to your niece? What if I can convinve her to change?"

Tyreek was surprised "Jason that\'s really nice of you to say but you don\'t know my niece. She\'s got a hell of a temper bro. If you think the sidewalks in Cali get hot you just wait till you meet Shania."

Jason insisted "You just leaving the convincing to me. If I can get her to promise to change will you do the show?"

Tyreek thought about it for a second "Even if you can get her to promise it won\'t make much of a difference if she\'s going to be surrounded by the same bad influences. And I can\'t afford to move us out the hood. I\'m living off that section 8 housing man."

Jason felt like smashing his head into the wall \'If it\'s not one thing it\'s another. Problem after problem just keeps popping up!\'

Jason massaged his temples "Let\'s just take it one step at a time Tyreek. I\'ll talk to your niece tomorrow okay? Just keep your mind open about the show."

Tyreek smiled at Jason "Hey little man that means a lot to me. That you willing to talk to my niece. She might listen to you. Prodigy to prodigy type thing. But why you willing to go so far for me? We known each other for just a few weeks."

Jason cursed in his head \'Because the system is forcing me to! Shit!\' But honestly Jason did have a good impression of Tyreek.

He was willing to apologize to Jason for the jokes he made when they first met. And Tyreek\'s work ethic and dedication to family really touched Jason.

Jason smiled "I\'m just helping you out cause I think you\'re a great guy Tyreek. And I feel like you deserve to have good things happen to you."

Tyreek was caught off guard for a second but then he smiled before pulling Jason into a hug "Damn bro. You a real one man. Even if it don\'t work out when you talk with my niece I appreciate it."

Jason and Tyreek talked for a bit. Tyreek teased Jason a couple times for bringing a girl with him. Jason rolled his eyes while Samantha blushed.

As the two of them were saying their goodbyes and were about to leave one of Tyreek\'s teammates walked over.

He was the big man that Tyreek had dunked on during the practice. He had dark brown skin and had a build that was even chubbier than Udonis. His hair was styled into short twists.

He put his arm over Tyreek\'s shoulder and started leaning on him with a smile "Damn bruh you using messengers to shit talk now?

And for your information I don\'t skip leg days. My big ass bones just weigh me down when I jump. But I got you next time. Try dunking on me again Ima pack that shit in like bah!"

He looked at Jason and Samantha before turning back to Tyreek "Yo was up with the little kids? You trynna start up a daycare or some shit?"

Tyreek laughed "Nah bruh. You better be careful. You gotta put some respect on little dudes name. This Young Buckets over here. He\'s the kid I was talking to you about."

Hash did a double take as he looked at Jason and then at Tyreek "Oh shit! This here\'s Young Buckets!?"

Hash stuck his hand out and started dapping up Jason "What\'s good man? I heard a lot about you From Tyreek.

Hey think I can see some dem skills right quick? We got a short break so the courts gonna be empty for a bit and Coach Willie won\'t mind."

Tyreek knew that this friend of his liked to stir up trouble "What you trying to do Hash? Leave the boy alone."

Hash laughed "Come one Tyreek. I just want to see Young Buckets in action. We can have him play against one of the freshmen real quick."

Tyreek was about to say something when Jason jumped in "I don\'t mind. I just can\'t do a long game. I still have to get back to school for practice."

Hash clapped his hands and laughed "That\'s how it ought to be man. You gotta learn to have some fun Tyreek.

We\'ll make it short. Ones and twos first person to score three points wins. That sound cool to you little man?" Jason nodded his head "Sure."

Jason was getting excited \'Last time I was playing against one of the best highschool players when I went against Jerome. Now I can see how compare to a normal high school player.\'

Hash called over one of the freshman "Hey Ricky! Come over for a second." A light skinned guy with a flat top haircut walked over.

He looked to be about 5\'8 (1.72m) but he was rail thin. He looked like he might weigh the same or even less than Jason.

Ricky walked up and asked Hash "What is it man? I\'m trying get some rest before the next scrimmage bro."

Hash gestured to Jason "This the young buck Tyreek been talking about. This here\'s Young Buckets."

Ricky looked at Jason before extending a fist forward. The two of them fist bumped "Respect. Hey it\'s nice to meet you man. I heard a ton bout you from Tyreek."

Hash added "We weren\'t expecting to have him here today but since he is I thought it be a waste to let him leave before we can see him in action. You down for a quick one on one?"

Ricky was surprised. He turned to Hash and then Tyreek "Me? You want me to play against a little kid?"

Hash laughed "He ain\'t no normal little kid Ricky. You gotta remember that you looking at Young Buckets. Put some respect on his name"

Ricky thought about it for a second \'Hash is probably just messing with me. No matter how good the little kid is he\'s only 12.

And I got like 4 inches on him. Hash is probably just trying to get me to waste some of my rest time so I\'ll be more tired in the next scrimmage.\'

Ricky nodded his head "Sure. I\'m down. What we playin to?" Hash smiled mischievously "Ya\'ll playing ones and twos. First to 3 wins."

As the two of them walked onto the court Hash was smiling on the side. Tyreek turned to him "You still angry at Ricky from this morning."

Hash sneered "Hell yeah I\'m angry. Dude called me a burnt ass chicken nugget. He was talking so much shit just because he beat me during the drill.

Well let\'s see how long he can keep talking shit after he loses to a fucking brat." Tyreek shook his head "You petty as hell you know that?"

As Jason and Ricky stepped onto the court all the other players that were resting started to turn their attention toward them.

Ricky could hear everyone murmering in the gym \'This gon be quick. But I better not go too hard. I\'ll look like a dick if I make the little kid cry.\'

Ricky looked at Jason "So you want to shoot for it? Or you want to just straight up start witht the ball? I don\'t mind giving you first possession."

Jason smiled at Ricky "How about rock paper scissors?" Ricky nodded his head. The two of them played rock paper scissors and Ricky ended up winning.

Jason passed the ball to Ricky as he got ready to defend him. He had taken a look at Ricky\'s skills earlier with Heart\'s eye.


Free throw: B+

Lay Up: B

Dunking: B

Close Shot: B

Mid Range Shooting: B

Three Point Shooting: B

Dribbling: B

Passing: C

Ball Handling: B

Play Making: C

Post Scoring: C

Rebounding: C

Post Control: C

Perimeter Defense: B

Post Defense: C+

Steals: B-

Blocks: B-

Athleticism: B+ ]

Ricky caught the ball and got into triple threat position \'Let\'s take it easy\' He jabbed to the right and then faked a shot.

Jason didn\'t respond to either move. Seeing that Ricky then started to dribble. He was dribbling at about 70 percent his usual speed \'Let\'s see how he likes this.\'

Ricky crossed over to the right and hesi\'d but Jason kept one arm to the side and one arm up with his hand in Ricky\'s face to contest any shots.

Jason stayed in his low defensive stance as he stayed in front of Ricky \'Huh?\' Ricky started dribbling seriously but Jason still stayed on his hip \'What the hell!?\'

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