A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 423

Bing Ye has left Yu Ao Tian’s house early in the morning. Where is he going? What kind of important information he has gotten from Yu Ao Tian so that he left in rush not even say anything?

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Feng’s Villa

Early in the morning, Feng Chen Yi brought Yao Yao to Feng’s villa.

Car was slowly stopping inside the garage, he pulled Yao Yao out and hurriedly walking to the main door.

“Second Young Master, Second Young Madam.” The maids neatly bowing.

Since Early in the morning Feng Xiao has been waiting in front of the door, rushing: “Yao Yao!” A sound of Heavy voice.

Yao Yao confused when looking at Feng Chen Yi, since she married into Feng family never once she saw her father in law welcoming her in front of the door, it seemed just alike Feng Chen Yi said, father in law indeed feeling guilty toward her. “Father in law, I am sorry, to let you worrying for long time.”

“As long as you are okay then it alright! It’s okay if you are good! Fiuh…” Feng Xiao let out relief sigh.

A mystery is going to reveal soon, we know it will be happened, right? At same time, one of the heart-broken moment is heading. Be prepared….


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“Hah, not long ago I had heard that you were missing in Ya Si Lan country, moreover he was the person who saved you and even let you to stay in General’s mansion, wasn’t it?”


“How is it? Isn’t our Ya Si Lan country such magnificent? You should have known, Mother in law’s mother is the current queen’s sister; while my father is the current queen’s nephew. If want to mention, the next heiress of Royal Highness Lan Nuo who should have called me as Big Sister.” Said Lan Ling arrogantly.

Yao Yao secretly heaved a sigh.

Everyone who listened to this must have known that Lan Ling was boasting. Was she trying to underestimate her that she didn’t know about Ya Si Lan’s royalty?

In Ya Si Lan country, it is only queen’s bloodline who has the highest position, the next important is Queen’s female siblings, others the queen’s male siblings are absolutely low in Ya Si Lan’s country.

Saying such, Lan Nuo will call Lan Ling sister! This is completely impossible, not to mention the relationship between Lan Ling and Lan Nuo, although Lan Nuo’s biological parent is still there, they must bow down their head at the time they greet Lan Nuo.

This is host by azurro4cielo

The position of Ya Si Lan Queen and her heiress are extremely high! “Hah, hahaha, Big sister in law is awesome.”

“That’s right!” Lan Ling was proudly folding her pair of hand, her eyes unintentionally glanced not far away: “General Bing Ye! Why are you coming out?”

Bing Ye expressionless nodding his head toward Lan Ling, and then his pair of amber color eyes were slowly looking at Yao Yao. “Mrs. Feng, can I speak a moment with you!”

“General Bing Ye, are you talking with me right now?” Lan Ling happily asked.

Bing Ye’s eyes still stared at Yao Yao.

She took a deep breath, slowly stood up, and then followed Bing Ye walking out from the flower garden.

And then looking at Lan Ling awkward expression, her expression looked alike as if it has almost dropped down to ground already!

“General Bing Ye, May I know what’s matter?” outside the flower garden entrance, Yao Yao spoke.

Bing Ye narrowed his eyes, expressionlessly said: “Luo Tian Ming, is he yours father?”

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‘thud thud’ suddenly her heart thudding, why suddenly Bing Ye asking her about this question? Haven’t he given up to search ‘that her’ on her? “Right!”

Just at moment, Bing Ye rolled his amber color eyes, suddenly grabbed her arm: “Do you sure, he is your biological father?”

“General Bing Ye, you ask this question isn’t it little bit impolite? My own father how could I am not sure he is my biological father?”

“Okay, very good! Then… now let me tell you…” Bing Ye bent down his body in order to have same height with her and told her, that good looking face gradually dimmed: “14 years ago he was the person who kidnapping ‘my life’!”


If you like Yu Ao Tian, Luo Yao Yao and other characters, do only read the translation from the translator’s blog

Heart beats even beating strongly, her brain also followed to be numbed, Yao Yao nervously biting her lips, pretending to be composed: “So what? 13 years ago he has passed away, now general Bing Ye said this to me, are you coming to revenge toward me?”

“Mrs. Feng, it seems that you have something that you hide from me!”

Now Yao Yao could certain that Bing Ye observation ability isn’t same with ordinary people, she narrowed her eyes. “General Bing Ye, there is nothing that I want to hide from you. How about, let’s us not to beat a bush, you are keep on questioning my background, could it be you are suspicious that I am that person you are searching for? Now, I can certainly to tell give you an answer, I! am absolutely not!”

Bing Ye, I beg you, hurry go away.

I like the current life, I like everything about current life, I don’t want to look for my past life.

Perhaps I am really that person who you are searching for, but… I am sorry, I could not help you out also I don’t want to change my current life. Please don’t… come and disturb my life anymore!

Small hands curled into fists, she stubbornly and steady turned back, at the moment moved one step…

Part 3

I’ve fulfilled my promise to post three posts A Naive Short Tempered Girl within this week. Apparently the plot of this getting interest in which the novel has gone as far to the point Luo Yao Yao aka Lan Duo’s ‘identity’ is revealed. Bing Ye, not only his doubt gone but it can say that Bing Ye has 100% sure Yao Yao must be Lan Duo, the girl whom he has been looking for more than 10 years. Then what about Yao Yao? Yu Ao Tian? Feng Chen Yi?

“Lan Duo!” a roared voice, the next second a wide shoulder has wrapped her into his embrace.



A quick breathing from nose, in hale, Yao Yao’s eyes stare blankly with wide opened eyes, her body being hugged by Bing Ye is turned to be stiffen, until… she forgot how to turn him down!

‘My majestic Lan Duo, the right way to hold gun is this way. Pull the trigger and attack the enemy at once. You are not allowed to give your enemy chance to attack you back. Understood?’

‘My Majestic Lan Duo, later in the future you are going to take the highest position to lead Aslan Country, you are born as a successor, then the things that you must face in the future would be more than those princes, princess and also must do 100 times tougher training!!’

‘My Majestic Lan Duo, kill this useless servant! He is not deserved to serve you, kill him! My Majestic Lan Duo! Kill him!’

Again and again that voices repeated in her head as if a voice that came from hell, again and again memories kept on calling that stranger name.

Just at this moment, in reality there was someone who suddenly called out, an unprecedented fear suddenly arouse, Yao Yao’s body suddenly shivering.

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