Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: Chapter 51

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The huge dragon’s speed was faster than a horse. Although they had departed much later than Oveila, by the time the sun rose, they had already caught up to Oveila.

As they caught up to Oveila, they saw her shadow, dashing across the grassland, carrying a halberd and long bow on her back. Letting out a dragon groan, Frost sped up, stopping before Oveila and blocking her way.

Jose changed his weapon into a fish fork, and carried the rope on his shoulders. He also switched his armor to the magic blessed leather armor, which Sui Xiong had made for his core believers.

Everything was well-prepared. At that moment, the traveling businessman that now jumped off from the dragon’s back, though he physically looked the same, his aura had completely changed.

Oveila, who was weary from running, shrunk her eyes slightly, stopping in her tracks. She didn’t intend to talk, but wore the halberd behind her, as she took down the long bow behind her back. Poising the long bow, she then shot an arrow directly at Jose’s face.


Jose waved his fish fork to block the feather arrow. Oveila showed no expression, but gradually put the sharp arrows on her bow, continuing to shoot them, one after another.

Mostly she was shooting towards Jose. However, she shot one or two arrows at Frost’s eyeball.

Of course, these arrows wouldn’t be able to pose any threat to Frost. Hence, he just closed his eyes, relying on the toughness of his eyelids to block the arrows. On the contrary, Jose was a little strained, while attempting to deal with the string of arrows.

The centaurs’ horsemanship and archery skills were well-known. Every time they drew back their bows, sharp arrows whizzed past, showering down like a storm. Any troops with weaker defenses would certainly be defeated.

Oveila was the heir of the most honorable bloodline among the centaurs. Hence, her archery skills were comparatively higher than most, especially when she was running while shooting the arrows. In fact, when she was wielding herbow, not only was the speed of the arrow fast, but she was also skilled at varying the direction of the arrow, which Jose found very difficult to fight against.

“No weak ones among the famous ones...” He waved his fish fork, knocking the arrows away, while he slowly got closer to Oveila.

He was trying to find an opportunity to launch an attack. He mumbled to himself, “I thought it would be enough to come alone. I was so full of myself.”

He could already tell that, if it came down to a one-on-one battle, he wouldn’t be able to fight against Oveila. Moreover, it would even be difficult to escape! Luckily, it didn’t come to that.

Frost’s reason for being there wasn’t only to replace saddle horse, after all. He was also preparing magic. As he was harassed by Oveila’s arrows, it took a much longer time to prepare the magic. Suddenly, he opened his eyes to see a green light, which was emitting from his pupils!

“Poison pond spell!”

Oveila was terrifyingly quick in her response, expertly dodging the green light. After passing her, and hitting the ground, the green light didn’t disperse. Instead, it turned into a pond, which was emitting a dark green poisonous gas.

After dodging the magic, Oveila realized suddenly that she couldn’t turn around. She now stood frozen in the pond, stuck to the spot by the poisonous gas. She suddenly felt her body and legs grow heavy and weak. Eventually, she couldn’t even stand on her feet. Even her strength and balance were being affected.

Finally, she managed to leap away from the poisonous pond. She then started running as far away as she could, while trying to detoxify herself via a magic spell.

As a high priest of a higher order, her skill at casting spells was outstanding. If she had enough time, no matter how strong the poison was, even if she couldn’t detox herself completely, she would still be able to suppress its effects temporarily.

However, Jose and Frost wouldn’t give her the time...

Jose smiled cooly, as he stuffed his hands in the storage pouch at his waist. He then took out a few short fish forks that were used for throwing.

He didn’t even need to get a running start, before he swung his right arm, accompanied with a sad and shrill whistle, to send a short fish fork flying across the sky. The fish fork flew in an imposing manner, with a speed that was too fast to be caught. Hence, it caught up with Oveila in the blink of an eye.

Luckily, Oveila had been watching Jose and Frost’s situation out of the corner of her eyes, so she saw Jose’s attack. But, due to the fact that she had been poisoned, her response was slightly slower than normal.

Under normal circumstances, she would have been able to dodge the attack easily. However, at that very moment, she was only able to dodge it clumsily, nearly destroying the anti-poison magic that she was slowly preparing.

Alas, Jose’s attack didn’t stop there! After the initial assault, there was a total of four short fish forks that he brought out!

Immediately thereafter, the sad and shrill cry of the barrage of fish forks could be heard whistling through the sky. Every fish fork was like a warning letter from the King of Hell, and also like a sickle of Death, pressing down hard on Oveila.

After barely dodging another two fish forks, Oveila finally could no longer maintain her pace of escape. Jose projected the pattern of her habitual actions and speed, then shot her.

The sharp fish fork stabbed deeply into the body of the centaur. The sharp blade, which had been cast with a magic spell, slit open the tough skin that could normally withstand a regular sword. The strong muscles were cut and torn, as blood flowed out along the blood drain on the fish fork, which had been intentionally made for this exact battle feature during production.

Then, yet another fish fork made its assault...

Oveila let out a tragic groan. As her body began to shake, the wound expanded. She threw away both fish forks, then took out a silver pearl, smashing it directly.

It was a precious “Magic Pearl”. Not only could it save magic within it, it could also be used again and again. Also, at a crucial moment, such as right then, it could be smashed, thus activating the magic that was saved within it. Of course, its cost was extremely high.

Oveila tried to force herself not to think about how many gold coins she had spent on the Advanced Recovery Spell, but her heart was still aching faintly.

“This is no simple woman!” Frost’s magic achievements weren’t high, but he was much stronger than Jose. When he saw that Oveila could activate the Advanced Recovery Spell in just a split moment, he was shocked. He quickly reminded, “Be careful of her magic!”

This was a mistake made from his lack of experience. Because Oveila had her back facing them, when she used her magic pearl, they hadn’t seen her smash the pearl. Thus, he had subconsciously assumed that Oveila hadn’t use any magic tools, but rather cast a high level spell that was not common among mages.

He hadn’t thought of the possibility of Oveila’s really having the power to cast the Advanced Recovery Spell! Also, Jose’s knowledge about magic was not as good as Frost’s. So, Jose determined that he must keep his guard up, resulting in his attacks becoming even more brutal. He took out another few fish fork and shot it over.

To Oveila, who had now removed the poison that had been within her, the attack was nothing. She took down the halberd on her back, then waved it to hit the few fish forks away. She then chanted prayers and started casting magic.

Frost completed his magic first, then bellowed with anger. As he did so, a blue light formed into a huge net that was at least ten meters tall, before completely covering her.

“Magic of removal!”

It was a habitual measure that was often taken by a spellcaster during battle. No matter what spell the enemy cast, they would throw a removal magic spell first. Not only could it destroy the magic structure that was building, it could also counter the enemy’s magic, even to the point of injuring them badly, if one was lucky.

Oveila ran, dashing out of the range of the magic removal. She then quickly completed her own magic. A cloud of burgundy light was emitted from her body, before turning into a pungent blood smell.

This was a peculiar divinity spell of the Orc God system, known as the Blood Massacre. Not only could the magic enhance the physical condition of the spell receiver, but it could also provide the terrifying power of absorbing life strength by killing one’s opponent.

The expert that benefited from the magic could then slaughter over a thousand people alone. As long as the magic wasn’t destroyed, the ability to continue the battle was simply unbelievable!

Not only that, Oveila continued to pray and prepare for her next magic undertaking. Frost, of course, recognized this magic. He creased his eyebrows, then took out a small crystal.

It was a magic tool that Snowflake had specially made for him. As it was a dispensable item, it couldn’t be saved and used repeatedly. And, as far as its convenience and speed, it was no weaker than the Magic Pearl.

The crystal shattered, sending a ray of white light soaring up. The light then turned into a huge eye, looking at Oveila.

Oveila’s body was immediately covered with a thin layer of frost. The cold air surrounded her body, then turned into ice and snowflakes. She could feel that her four hooves were soon going to be frozen to the ground, causing her to lose her ability to move.

This magic was called Arctic Gaze. It was considered as being quite isolated in the realm of magic. Its power was weaker than the Rays of Extremely Coldness, but its benefit was that it was quite hard to dodge. So, it could be said that each had their perks.

At that very moment, Oveila completed her own magic as well. It was the Stone Armor Suit, which could greatly enhance her defense power. The specific magic was the advanced state of stone skin, which granted a much higher defense power. But, it also was very heavy. Hence, only incredibly strong people would be able to utilize it.

According to Oveila’s plan, she would next cast another floating spell, which could help her to avoid being framed and getting hurt. She would then cast a freedom of movement spell to avoid being slowed down or entangled.

This would be followed by the holy shield, which strengthened defense power, the holy weapon, which could enhance attack power, the raging bull spell, the eagle eye spell and so on. In the end, she figured that she could even summon a few strong creatures from the Strange World.

This set of magic spells was indeed powerful. With the full set, one person alone could dash through any powerful army, even like the ones in that famous video game on earth, Dynasty Warriors!

However, this enemy wasn’t just any ordinary army, nor were they mere idiotic prey. At that moment, she was dealing with a young giant dragon and an experienced adventurer, who had gone through hundreds of battles!

Jose still couldn’t tell earlier, but he was now completely certain about the habitual practice when Oveila was fighting a battle. He couldn’t help but smile. He wouldn’t fight in close combat with the centaur. Instead, he took out a scroll, then used his pathetically weak magic power to slowly activate it.

Because his magic power was inferior at best, the process was taking quite a long time. When he was finally done activating the scroll, Frost and Oveila had already fought a few rounds with their magic. They both had wins and losses.

But, it ended then...

After the scroll, which was made of magic beast skin, was activated completely, it self-ignited, completely without flame or fire, then turned into ashes! Countless light spots floated in the sky, then turned into black runes that were giving out a loathsome, rotting smell. It then whizzed through the sky, ignoring Oveila’s attempts to dodge it, and landing on her body.

“Idiot that eats grass! Get a taste of the power of the Blaspheme Rune!”

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