The Ancients World

Chapter 9: The emergency meeting

Chapter 9: The emergency meeting

As Cera is spending time with his family and going to sleep the church of light is having a meeting on how to proceed with what happened today. The only one not to show during the projections is Herold Marcus the II. The Pope is the first to speak opening up the meeting. "The return of the fairies is an incredible thing. Once our city establishes communications and trade with them we can ask them the identity of Arch-Angel Michaels son." The fact a new kingdom is coming to this continent also raises concerns, and the new kingdom is returning in the Forest of Sweet Leaves.

The Pope also raises questions that all the attendees must know. "We don\'t know why the Holy Willow Tree decided to move so far from Blue Grass City with its returning people. All we can say is that it has and it is now located in the Forest of Sweet Leaves." After this is said the Queen of Salamander kingdom is shocked. Her name is Fiona Heartfire the I. She was a newly crowned Queen of a new family after the last king passed from old age.

She gets up from her throne and her projection walks into the center of the room to speak. "I did not know of this. I\'ll send envoys of peace, I\'ll get any information I can and I\'ll tell everyone the next time we have a scheduled meeting in a week." She finishes speaking and returns back to her throne.

Now there are more things to discuss and The Pope must put everyone on notice. "We are all informed on the present situation involving Herold Marcus the II. I must tell everyone that the church cannot and will not wage war on fellow humans." Once he finishes saying that the tenseness in the room increased for the next thing he is about to say. "However, we will not stop other kingdoms from invading Zenith. The divine punishment will not be brought to Herold through the church, but we will not stop the divine punishment provided by someone else." As soon as those words left his mouth whispers began to break out.

The Saintess Lucy cleared her throat now that she has something to address. The Pope gives her the stage. "We are not aloud to go into the country ruled by Herold, but we know that The Son of Arch-Angel Michael is in the city of Blue Grass. It is the only place close enough to rest after such a hard fought battle according to the gods." A man stands up and wants to voice his thoughts.

This man is Joshua Quarkson the III, he rules Beeker City. This place is renowned for its science and faith. "I am just going to say what everyone is thinking. Why do we have to listen to Herold? He is obviously not fit to be king. In mind and morals, if we continue to let this madness drag out millions of innocent people will die." Everyone nods their heads in agreement except for Lucy and Alexander. They understand what the meaning behind those words are, the church cannot sponsor such a thing.

The Pope speaks in response to Joshua\'s words. "What you say is absolutely true Joshua, but when his kingdom falls it cannot be on the hands of the church. There citizens are terrified right now, there only ally at this point is the church. We are on the side of the people who cant control the outcome of this coming conflict. We need to be who we are so they have a place to come when they lose everything." Everyone nods at the wise words of Alexander. He has always been one to do the right thing for the people who believe in the church and the gods of light.

Everyone in the room knows that Herold has war on his doorstep now. Today was a meeting discussing the fairies kingdom and Herold. They have an answer for one, now that all the kingdoms have gotten the approval of the church they will begin to make moves. Some will do nothing others will join forces and assault Zenith. The NPC\'s can complete the same quests players can. The thing about NPC\'s is they have access to Zenith right now.

The Pope has one more thing to address in this emergency meeting before everyone prepares for there personal goals in this conflict. "The fact that Arch-Angel Michael and The Almighty Father have personally brought this onto Herold I must stress they will be watching your actions. There may come a point of moral compromise, please be good rulers and only target the king of Zenith, his people are innocent. One last thing before this meeting is over, Arch-Angel Michaels son will take the churches priority over any of you. If the church has to choose between one of you and the son. We will choose the son." Everyone gives understanding nods and all the projections turn off.

Alexander turns to Lucy and pinches the bridge of his nose. "So much is happening so fast. It may be impossible to find The Son of Arch-Angel Michael. I have faith in his strength and character, his deeds in the old fairy kingdom speak true of that. I worry that he is drawing more than just our attention now." Lucy and Alexander take a seat to relieve the stress and have some tea.

As Lucy is sipping from her tea cup there is a serious face in the refection of the liquid. "I am not a politician like you Alex, but I do know that war is coming to Zenith and its country. We can use this as an opportunity to place spies in Blue Grass and surrounding areas to find him. I know you said we wouldn\'t get involved, but this is to important to remain neutral." Alexander gives a solemn face as he understands Lucy completely.

He sets his tea cup down and thinks really hard weighing the pros and cons. He finally comes to a decision that is not something the church does. "No more than 5 spies Lucy, more than that and we will be found out. I\'ll leave it to you since its your idea." Lucy smiles and gets up to start right away. Now all whos left in the giant room is the Pope.

He takes a deep breath and walks over to the window and looks out into The Holy City. "This is going to go down into history as the darkest day for Zenith. I pray that mercy be shown on Zeniths people. They are innocent in all this." All of a sudden he gets a message from heaven and he is thoroughly shocked, he never imagined that Herold was this crazy.

[World-wide Announcement: The king of Zenith has declared war on the three surrounding kingdoms Highland, White Rock, and Borealis! This has caused a Continent wide event! Players will be able to participate once they reach level 50 and complete their tier 1 class quests!]

[Warning: This event could end before anyone gets to participate! You better hurry and level up!]

The player forums blew up sky high. Most were outraged by the level requirement. This was something that the players wanted rewards for and now the NPC\'s were taking it. Everyone was speculating on what caused this, but nobody knows the inner workings of the government in Ancients World.

The one who caused all this is sleeping soundly in his bed getting plenty of rest for tomorrow\'s goals. He has plans for quests in Blue Grass and he has every intention of staying ahead of everyone else. Now the meetings in the real world is happening between guilds and corporations. They are exchanging information on how to level up better and make use of your skills.

The night passes and Cera rises as he wakes at the sound of his alarm. It\'s breakfast right now and he is hungry from all the hours he put in yesterday. Mom made fruit parfaits for everyone, dad missed out again since he has to go to work. I quickly eat my breakfast and say my thanks to mom before hopping into my gaming pod. I load in and I wake up in the soft comfy bed that I was aloud to borrow for the night.

I open the bedroom door and notice maids doing work here and there. "Its seems you are awake. Would you like to join the baron for some tea this morning?" Charles appears behind me and gives me a good scare. I don\'t show it, but he got me good.

I nod to him and I am led to a lovely patio in the nice warm morning. "Ahh, our guest is here. Come join us." I see Baron Jackson with other high ranking nobles in Blue Grass. It seems that they are discussing business right now, this is actually a perfect opportunity to talk about an item I have.

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