
Loud explosions rocked the top two floors of the Imperium Tower, sending blasts of heat, smoke, and destruction all around the place.

Davies had barely jumped over the railings of the stairs when the bomb went off behind him. The force of the blast sent him off balance and out of control as he jumped over the railings, sending his body into intimate and painful contact with other parts of the stairs as he fell.

*Bang* *Bang*

His body made ugly sounds as they constantly collided with the iron railings of the stairs until he finally fell on the inside of the stairs and came to the ground with a loud crash.

For a few seconds, he couldn\'t even move because his whole body hurt due to his fall, but after catching his breath for a few seconds, he turned over and pulled his pain-wracked body up.

\'Something\'s probably broken,\' he thought as he pushed his body up against the wall and sat upright, making no effort to stand up and go check the damage that the explosion caused as he could already estimate the situation in his head.

An explosion of that level wouldn\'t be enough to heavily damage the building since the building was made with materials that could take a few hits... But he could pretty much guess that there would be no one alive or even a body that was intact enough for him to investigate and find any clues.

"Bummer..." he sighed.

He hadn\'t expected this turn of events... I mean, who would have expected thieves to blow themselves up when they found out that escape was impossible?

\'You\'re a thief, shouldn\'t you value your life a bit more?\' he thought with an aching head.

"How anticlimactic..." he sighed.

He had been expecting a huge battle where he would have to fight tooth and nail to prevent the intruders/thieves from escaping, but they had instead decided to try blasting into oblivion the evidence that was themselves and they had also had no qualms about dragging him along with them.

And they had succeeded... At least in the first part, he had gotten the hell out of dodge as soon as he noticed the bomb. He had a bad experience with things that went "BOOM" after all.

"Now that I think of it, they probably didn\'t intend to kill me, or they wouldn\'t have told me there was a bomb about to blow me up sky high..." he mused.

To be fair, the words from the one who had possessed the now dead dagger-wielding invader weren\'t exactly a direct warning about a bomb and were more like a cheekily given clue, but to a Davies\'s constantly working mind, it didn\'t make any difference which was why he was able to almost immediately find out about the bomb.

"Well, that\'s that..." Davies muttered and with a groan, he pushed himself up to his feet with his aching hands and almost fell back to the ground after standing upright because of the pain that wracked his body.

"Urgh... Fucking bastards..." he cursed as he leaned against the wall to stabilize himself.

He took a few seconds to get used to the pain in his body before beginning to walk back up the stairs intending to check how much damage had been done and to find out if there was anything he could salvage that could point him in the direction of the bastards that had planned this, but he didn\'t have much hope that he could find out anything.

"I hope nothing else happens today... It\'s been way too eventful for a single day..." he muttered.

Things had been happening a bit too fast for even him to keep up with. Just yesterday he had been battling for his life against some poison that was trying to get him to implode, and then today he tried to look for Lee Jung but that resulted in a citywide blackout, and as if that wasn\'t enough his company was broke into... again, only this time they hadn\'t bothered coming in stealthily and had directly attacked the company building and had even sent someone to block Daniella in a bid to buy more time for themselves.

In the end, he had come here himself and that hadn\'t ended well, he had almost been blown up sky-high when those bastards realized that there was no way out available for them.

It was extremely annoying that he had come so close to losing his life twice in less than twenty-four hours, hell, it had barely even been twelve hours and now both the internal part of his body and the external part of his body had faced life-threatening danger and though he had managed to somehow survive twice, it was by no means that he was cruising through. His whole body was aching in pain, both internally and externally.

Despite this, he grit his teeth and continued walking up the stairs, his posture righting itself with every step he took and his face beginning to be devoid of the pain that wracked his body even though the pain hadn\'t gone anywhere and it still hurt as much as it did... Or maybe even more, but he wasn\'t the type of person that wore his pain and troubles on his face as it made him look weak and exposed a weakness, something he couldn\'t afford to have.

"Why isn\'t anyone coming up to check even though a part of the building just blew up?" he suddenly realized and thought back to his employees whose incompetence seemed to be growing in his mind.

By any means, there should be at least someone who should have come up to check what was going on, or at least someone should have called law enforcement authorities, but based on the inactivity that Davies was faced with it was either that nobody was doing anything and they had all run helter-skelter, or someone had called law enforcement officers but they were taking their sweet time responding to the call.

Of these two options though, Davies was more inclined to believe the first one because he knew that there was no way the law enforcement officers wouldn\'t get on their feet immediately the mention of his company having an issue sounded in the ears, though there was also the possibility of someone with a high amount of power restricting the cops from responding to an emergency call from his employees about what was happening in the company... Or maybe they were stretched too thin due to the sudden blackout in the city, but all this was just speculation, and to be honest, he didn\'t really care what had happened, and even preferred that he didn\'t have to deal with annoyances that could hinder him.

With this thought, he continued walking up the stairs and a few minutes of climbing later, he was back in front of the doorway that led to the 139th floor, only this time there was annoying heat and fuming smoke flowing heavily out of it as compared to the silence he had met when he had been here earlier.

He didn\'t waste any time and walked in but as expected everything was charred and the white interior of this building that was worth boasting about had now been stained and damaged by the last from the explosion and further damaged by the flames and smoke that resulted from the explosion.

"As expected, there was nothing to find," Davies murmured when he saw the barely remaining remains of the invaders that he had killed in here previously.

There was almost nothing left of them that indicated that they were once humans, just black everywhere, and the sickening stench of burnt human flesh in the air indicated that they were what he was looking for.

Davies gave a glance over the room before turning and beginning to walk back out of the room as there was nothing to be found there. Everything that could be qualified as evidence had been destroyed and burnt beyond recognition so there was no point in remaining here.

\'The next floor is probably the same thing,\' he thought as he inched closer to the doorway with every step, but then suddenly stopped after feeling a vibration in his pocket.

He stopped and pulled out his phone which was shockingly undamaged considering what had happened to the body of the owner of the phone.

The reason why Davies had quickly brought out his phone was because he was expecting a call from Daniella who should have dealt with whoever was obstructing her way previously, but instead of the call that he was expecting, what he was seeing on the screen of the phone was a notification of a voice message sent to him from a number that wasn\'t saved into his contact list.

For a few seconds, Davies stood there wondering who it could be that managed to acquire his phone number and then send him a voice message because he hadn\'t been expecting an impromptu voice message from an unknown contact.

Suddenly a sudden thought arose in his mind as he looked at the notification that showed the voice message while muttering,

"It couldn\'t be, right?"


I\'m back... For real this time

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