The Devil's Harem

Chapter 180 Alex is so chivalrous.

Chapter 180  Alex is so chivalrous.

"If you have a sister, Why can\'t I have a brother?" Alex frowned, "Don\'t tell me only your father is allowed to penetrate the eggs."

"Penetrate eggs?" Rebecca looked confused, "But my father likes his eggs scrambled."

"... Even you like your eggs... Umm... Umm..." Rebecca looked at Veronica and wanted to ask, but Veronica was quick to cover her mouth with her hands.

"Don\'t... Don\'t say a word more," Veronica stopped Rebecca, "I won\'t be able to get that image out of my head."

"... Can we talk about something else instead?" Muffling Rebecca\'s voice, Veronica turned toward Alex.

"It\'s no time to chat," Alex shrugged, "We should get going now," Alex said.

"But before that, let me formally introduce you both to my brother, my best pal, Damien," Alex said, putting his hand behind Damien\'s back and pushing him forward lightly.

"He has been away for his studies for a while now. But I guess he is back for good this time," Alex looked at Damien and smiled.

"Well, that\'s the boring stuff. Since both the brothers are practically chick magnets, does anyone of you play the wingman?" Veronica let go of Rebecca and asked.

"Is this all you could ask?" Alex chuckled weakly and asked.

"Can you imagine him being the wingman?" But Damien was quick to answer.

The brothers spoke at once. And then looked at one another.

"Don\'t even go there," Alex warned Damien and tried to stop him, "This is neither the place nor the time for that."

"Go everywhere," Veronica was very interested, "Wherever three friends gather, that is the place and the time."

"Friends? But you have known him for not even ten minutes," Alex looked at Veronica bewildered, "Didn\'t you just think of him as a bad guy?"

"He is your brother, isn\'t he? Tell me if he is a bad guy," Veronica shrugged and caught Alex in the web of his own words. He could neither praise nor bad-mouth Damien.

And so, Veronica pushed her trolly towards Alex and entangled her arms with Damien\'s, "Just ignore him. Tell me all about his dirty laundry."

"I don\'t have dirty laundry," Alex protested, "I never had one."

But veronica ignored him like one ignores the internet explorer, "Come on, spill the beans. Who\'s the wingman?"

"Well, that has to be me?" Damien was on cloud nine with how soft Veronica\'s big breasts felt, "It has always been me."

"With such a good-looking duo as us, one would expect us to have a bunch of chicks on either of our sides all the time," Damien looked at Veronica and continued.

Hearing Damien, Veronica nodded. Though it was a bit narcissistic from Damien, she could understand where he was coming from. With the looks they had and the decent amount of money for them to spend, it wasn\'t too far-fetched.

"But that has never been the case with us," Damien shook his head in regret, "He would back off every time I scored a chick for him. Which wasn\'t even the hard part. Most of them were ready to jump on board because of his looks. The hard part was to get him on board."

"You remember that one time I took you to my friend\'s party, don\'t you?" Damien spoke as he looked at Alex, only to see the latter shaking his head.

"Don\'t look at him," Veronica grabbed Damien by his chin and turned his face toward her, "When I am speaking to you," Veronica rubbed her thumb over Damien\'s chin, "Just look at me..."

"Yes, mam..."

"Now... What did that girl do?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

\'Why is she not picking up?\' Martha was in her office, tapping her fingers anxiously on her table while she tried to call someone. She has been at it for more than ten minutes, but the other party won\'t just pick up the call. And this made Martha\'s mind vander to different, not-so-pleasant thoughts.

"Hey, Hello... Audrey?" Finally, someone answered the call, and Martha asked, hesitating.

"What is it, Doctor Rutherford? You sound anxious," On the other hand, hearing Martha\'s voice, Audrey decided to tease her, "Don\'t tell me you are missing me?" Audrey was standing on the balcony, wearing a bathrobe. Her hairs were wet, and she had a bottle of vodka beside her. She was most likely in a hotel room, enjoying some strong drink in the middle of the day.

"It\'s nothing like that," Martha sighed in relief when she heard Audrey in her usual playful tone, "Where were you? I tried so many times, but you didn\'t answer."

"I was taking a bath, and it felt so good that I slept there in the bathtub itself," Audrey giggled, "The phone was on vibration. But I am glad you were consistent. Otherwise, I "You silly girl," Martha face-palmed herself, "When will you grow up?"

"I guess we are cut from the same cloth," Audrey chuckled.

might have drowned myself."

"You silly girl," Martha face-palmed herself, "When will you grow up?"

"I guess we are cut from the same cloth," Audrey chuckled.

"When are you coming back to Elenor?" Martha smiled at Audrey\'s remark and asked.

"Ummm... if everything goes as planned, then maybe next Friday. We should catch up soon," Audrey told Martha.

"Yeah, we definitely should," Martha agreed, "Even my elder son is coming back today. You would love to meet him," Martha told Audrey.

"Oh, he is coming back?" Audrey smirked as she looked down her balcony.

On the opposite side of the road, she could see a few people standing together, chatting among themselves. They were Alex, Damian, Veronica and Rebecca. Audrey was in the hotel right outside the exit of the Airport.

"Even I am curious to meet him now," Audrey whispered to herself.

"What? Did you say something?" Meanwhile, Martha, on the other side of the phone, could only hear a murmur.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking to myself. So, is Alex, it was his name, right? Is he the same as you? Stern and mature on the outside while a hilarious klutz from the inside." Audrey grabbed the bottle of vodka and walked back inside, heading straight inside the bathroom.

"I am not a klutz. Let\'s make that clear first. It was just that day that things were going against me," Martha tried to clear the accusation on her.

"And talking about Alex, compared to me, he is even more disciplined. He won\'t be as much fun as my younger one, but he is the most genuine person you will ever meet." Martha said as she talked about Alex.

\'Genuine?\' Hearing Martha, Audrey almost slipped while stepping into the bathtub, \'He is genuine? That guy? Is that the role he is going with?\'

"I am sure he is," Audrey faked her laugh and said, "I am now even more excited to meet him."

"Absolutely. I am sure Alex will be happy to meet you as well," Martha was all smiles hearing Audrey.

"I am sure he will be," Audrey replied, "Well, see on Friday then, most probably," Audrey said.

"I will be waiting," Martha replied and ended the call.

"What is your game here?" Audrey whispered to herself as she slipped inside the bathtub.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"let me tell you another one," Damien has set the mood and was continuously piling up Alex\'s embarrassing stories.

"There was this junior of mine who had a crush on him," Damien was still telling Veronica the stories about Alex, "Well, she was one of many."

"A popular guy indeed," Veronica pursed her lips and blinked her eyes, looking at Alex.

"And this one was all because he dropped me once at the college," Damien said, "That junior of mine saw him and the next day, she was throwing a party at her home. And she explicitly asked me to bring him with me."

"I could feel what she wanted, and I was all for it," Damien laughed.

"So after putting in great efforts like bribing, blackmail and other means, I took him to the party," Damien said, throwing his arms. It was very hard for him to get Alex\'s ass out of the house.

"I introduced him to my friends, as well as other girls. I hoped that if it did not work out with that junior of mine, there were options ready for him," Damien explained his plan.

"And as I said, it was easy. Girls would eagerly approach us, and everything was going just nice. And seeing the situation, even I had my hopes raised that we won\'t be going home that night." Damien told Veronica.

"But..." But suddenly, Damien looked helpless and shook his head.

"But, what?" Veronica asked, eager to know what happened next.

"He ruined it all. Not just for him but for me as well," Damien hung his head low in helplessness.

"What did he do?" Veronica asked.

"He grabbed a bottle of beer and went on to sit on the swing in the lawn, all alone," Damien began to narrate, "So the junior who threw the party walked up to him and decided to take the first step."

"Well, that\'s understandable," Rebecca nodded. Even she was starting to enjoy the stories about Alex.

"She decided to play drunk," Damien told them.

"Well, that\'s a common thing. I have seen both men and women use it. Mostly women, of course." Veronica nodded.

"See... You get that, right? It\'s a way, a way to get your attention." Damien said out loud. He was visibly excited.

"But he did not get it..." Damien, pointing his finger at Alex, loudly said

"The girl acted drunk, and when she was about to reach him, she tripped trying to fall on him," Damien said.

"Again, a common thing," Veronica added in her comments, "There is nothing extraordinary about that."

"How about I tell you that this guy jumped off the swing, and the girl hit the swing and broke two of her teeth?" Damien asked.

And hearing him, both veronica and Rebecca looked at Alex with an accusing gaze.

"And let\'s not just jump to a conclusion, shall we?" Damien smirked, "What if? And I am only saying what if. Instead of turning around to help her, this guy said. And I quote," Damien said.

\'Girls, huh... That\'s why it\'s a heckle dating them.\'

"That too in front of a bunch of girls?" Damien continued, "And he walked away. Just like that."

"That..." Alex wanted to defend himself, but the verdict was already out.



Veronica and Rebecca said at the exact same moment.

"Oh, I did not know I was working with such a chivalrous guy."

* * * * *

[I know I have been inconsistent, but I will try to post more regularly]


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