Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 696 - Volume 9 – Chapter 78: Pseudo-spirit & Genuine Soul

“Because I am the ‘genuine soul’?” Mo Xiaofei was stunned. When he looked at this teacher again, his expression became much more solemn.

Long Xiruo added, “I just said that when the Difu is still open, to cope with the increase in population, three immortal souls and seven mortal forms will be separated and used to inject into newborns. With the nourishment of the physical body, these split souls and mortal form will grow again.”

Mo Xiaofei nodded.

Long Xiruo continued, “This is why human beings have been ignorant from the beginning. They need to reshape their thoughts, worldviews, etc. As they continue their lives to old age and death, the soul will be richly nourished. Generally speaking, the soul grows faster than the mortal form. Reincarnation of souls will be more outstanding than the reincarnation of mortal forms. This is the reason why some are born to be more smart and talented in a particular aspect. However, as a person grows up and attains three immortal souls and seven mortal forms, they will become similar in theory. That explains why certain people with poor talent can catch up with hard work and efforts. Of course, the variability is high. Simply put, it depends on the person’s fate.”

Long Xiruo paused before she continued, “Also, there are some outstanding souls who can enjoy the treatment without being split and directly go through the six realms of reincarnation. Usually, this type of people have achieved many merits in their lives, or they simply have defined an era. The minority of them involve some factors such as the alteration of luck, the alternation of dynasties, etc. However, this happens when some bored fellows have a chess match. They often go with the narration of “the mortal world is a chess” to meddle with mortal affairs... But, this is way over your caliber too.”

Teacher, I don’t understand this anymore!

“Then, about my ‘genuine soul’...” Mo Xiaofei was only concerned about this. He subconsciously felt that if he couldn’t figure this out, he would always be in a state of anxiety.

“Don’t interrupt me!” Long Xiruo glared at Mo Xiaofei, “Have I stopped? The so-called genuine soul is the being born through the six realms of reincarnation, whether it is a human or demon beast, with an increase in spiritual wisdom. But, Difu did not open a hundred years ago. There is no soul and mortal form sent out from Divine Land. Then, where did the souls in the newly born bodies come from? Like I said, the physical body can nourish the soul. So, even if Difu did not send any soul, the body composed of the soul, especially the human body, which is the spirit of all things, can give birth to its own soul. Typically, they are all called “pseudo-souls” or “pseudo-spirits” by Difu. It’s just that the three immortal souls and seven mortal forms of this “pseudo-spirit” cannot be split. After leaving the body after death, the entity can’t last long. Even after Difu restrained it, the success rate of reincarnation is even horribly low. Think about it, if the whole world becomes a dummy of a ‘pseudo-spirit,’ what will the world be like?”

Mo Xiaofei said in a daze, “But teacher, aren’t these all real people? Is there a difference between the pseudo-spirit and genuine soul?”

“Of course, they are not the same!” Long Xiruo stood up from the sofa and said fiercely while putting her hands on her hips, “How can it be different!? As I said, the genuine soul that came from reincarnation, whether it is inherently excellent or striving to be excellent, is of great quality. However, these fake and inferior pseudo-spirits face great difficulty reincarnating successfully, even if the success rate is improved due to the large sample size. When they do succeed, they are either born retarded or easily tempted by mortal things. They won’t be able to preserve the purity of heart since birth. All the living things in the world are regressing, stop improving, go through life without aspirations, living without purpose, and so on. Under this circumstance, can modern society still develop?”

Mo Xiaofei went into deep thought for a moment. Even though he exhausted his imagination, he couldn’t come out of such a situation. Long Xiruo’s words did send chills to his back. He could comprehend how disastrous it would be.

“Teacher! You just said that Difu had not been opened for a hundred years...” Mo Xiaofei said in horror, “In the blink of an eye, decades pass, and humans’ life ends. Then, aren’t people nowadays all dummies?”

“Not for the time being.” Long Xiruo shook her head. “Difu does not open. After the creatures’ death with genuine souls who have reincarnated before, it means that their souls are not reaped for proper reincarnation. The genuine souls will wander in the heavens and the earth. Some are attracted by the new physical bodies and move in directly. However, they do not pass through the reincarnation passage in Difu. As a result, this kind of autonomous reincarnation will continuously consume the genuine soul’s origin energy. Some of them insist not to reincarnate in a new body and get consumed by the world. At the same time, even if it is an autonomous reincarnation, there is no way for the genuine soul to split itself. To be exact, the number of genuine souls decreases at an alarming rate, while the dummies count are constantly increasing.”

So this is the root cause of more and more mental retardation now?

“What teacher meant... I am one of the genuine souls who reincarnated a hundred years ago?” Mo Xiaofei finally grasped the situation.

“Maybe.” Long Xiruo shook her head and said, “I have no way of judging this. Among the many pseudo spirits, there is also a harsh chance that they can mutate into ‘genuine souls.’ If it is a ‘genuine soul’ that comes from a ‘pseudo-spirit,’ Difu will call these very individual ‘innate genuine souls.’”

“Even the teacher doesn’t know the answer?” Mo Xiaofei asked in surprise.

Long Xiruo rolled her eyes and said, “Do you think I am omniscient and omnipotent? If you want to know, ask the black-hearted club boss! He must know! Or at least have the ability to find out! Besides the fact that Difu can distinguish the quality via the Book of Life and Death, who else can find out about it? Only the black-hearted club boss can tell!”

Teacher, you have used “black-hearted” twice to describe him...

“But, if the teacher can’t tell, why would you say that I am the ‘genuine soul’?” Mo Xiaofei remembered what Long Xiruo said at the beginning.

Long Xiruo poked Mo Xiaofei’s forehead with disappointment, “Idiot! Think for yourself. If you are not a ‘genuine soul,’ why will the black-hearted boss have good expectations of you!? Have you forgotten!? You have traded away your soul. When you die, the soul is no longer your own, alright? Listen! For all things, death is not the end. For the genuine soul, the afterlife is normal! Human life, at best, is just an extended vacation for genuine souls! Don’t think that when you are dead, your thoughts are free; don’t even have the idea of “world’s end has nothing to do with me after I die!” When you can remember your many reincarnations, you will regret deeply! So, do you still dare to act rashly and let yourself die in vain!?”

Mo Xiaofei suddenly shook his head at this moment, bowed to Long Xiruo, and said with a serious face, “Teacher, thank you for telling me these. But... if because of this, I will live like a coward, it violates my belief. If so, what is the point of my training like this? Even if Xiaofei’s soul is taken away after death, he will not violate the initial promise. I will walk my path in pride!”

Fool, even because of this, you will be loved by that black-hearted guy...

Long Xiruo sighed, but her eyes grew tender.

Why won’t she like this human with such a pure heart?


In a short period, probably before the end of this day’s superb luck, Liu Zixing would not gamble with me again, right?

After wandering on the street for a while, Boss Luo returned to the club.

The maid went up to the second floor for a while and then came back down again. On the tray she held in her hand, fuzzy balls of light floated slowly, giving a sense of lifelessness.

“Master, this is the harvest of “God King” this week.” The maid smiled slightly, “Forty-seven.”

Luo Qiu just took a look, then nodded, “It’s all pseudo-spirits... Throw them to the altar.”

Boss Luo waved his hand as he spoke. These dim light balls disappeared.

Author’s Postscript Notes: It’s part of the world setting; it must be written clearly. Besides, this is just the setting of the book, so try your best to get accustomed to it. What is the background of Six Paths of Reincarnation? I don’t know. It doesn’t matter if it is similar to the actual one or not...

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