Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 80 - Heart Vs. Mind


He\'d woken with renewed resolve to keep his physical distance from Ayleth, to enjoy being near her and to focus on their future, but not to touch her.

They were both subdued when training began. Borsche and Falek still hadn\'t recovered their good humor and worked them hard for the first hour, so there wasn\'t a lot of time or attention to give to anything else.

But between having to watch her move for hours in leathers that clung to every curve, and the moment halfway through the session when her hair fell out of its braid so she became a whirlwind of fire-red hair and bright blue eyes, pink cheeks, and whip-quick strength…

It was torment.

By the time Falek ordered a break for water, Etan was panting not just because of the exercise. Ayleth must have caught the look in his eyes, because he would have sworn her the pink in her cheeks grew as she rested.

But before they had a chance to speak, Borsche folded his arms and looked at them both. "You two need to learn to fight together, not just against each other," he said, though he didn\'t look happy about it.

Etan looked at Ayleth, but she was staring at Falek. "Truly?" she said, as if this were a monumental moment. What had he missed?

Falek nodded at her. "It\'s time."

And then she squealed, and leapt up… to hug her Knight?

Etan tried not to let his irritation show on his face, but Borsche was grinning at him by the time she let Falek go and stepped back.

A few minutes later they had him and Ayleth standing back to back, mere inches between them.

"We\'ll work with hand-to-hand," Falek said, "Until you\'re comfortable enough with each other that you can begin to anticipate each other\'s needs and styles."

"Fighting together is like dancing—except you both lead," Borche said. "You must be aware of both your opponent, and your comrade. Compensate for each other. Prop each other up."

"And you must do everything in your power to guard your comrade\'s back. This is not about flashy wins," Falek warned. "Do not take an easy shot that will remove you from each other\'s defensive positions. Chances are your opponent has opened the shot to split you up. Hold the line, always."

Borsche nodded. "Talk to each other. Tell each other what\'s coming—and always warn if something is coming that could endanger your partner. If you have to duck, tell them so they can to."

"If you learn to do this well," Falek said quietly, "You\'ll be stronger together than you are apart."

Etan glanced at Ayleth. She was beaming at Falek, but caught his look and smiled at him, her eyes shining. He made a mental note to ask her what she found so incredible about this. But first he had to get through an hour of training with Ayleth at his back, and her ass rubbing against him in those leathers.



She almost forgot herself and clapped when Falek said, "It\'s time."

Her Knight was embarrassed when she hugged him, but she knew what this meant. She knew it meant she\'d been forgiven for the position she\'d put him in the night before. And, perhaps more importantly, she knew it meant that he trusted Etan to be the best man for her.

"Thank you," she whispered when they embraced. He grunted, but wasn\'t looking at her when she pulled back. Instead, he and Borsche talked them through how fighting together would work—and what was important for its success.

Ayleth couldn\'t help noticing the parallels between their advice on fighting, and their advice on relationships, but she didn\'t bring it up. She was too busy brimming with joy—and nervous about being able to keep up with Etan.

She was strong, and quick. But he was a tidal-wave of power. She knew he usually held himself back when they were sparring, not wanting to harm her.

But now they would be fighting together against seasoned warriors. Etan was safe to use whatever he could against Falek and Borsche.

She feared being left behind. Or worse, letting him down.

But there was no time to worry because Borsche had them stand back to back, half crouched, and began to test their reflexes.

Half an hour later she wasn\'t sure whether to laugh or cry.

Borsche stood in front of her on the balls of his feet, feinting at her, trying to slap her face, or make contact with her body. And as she blocked and twisted, she had to keep herself between him and Etan\'s undefended back—without stepping too far forward to engage with him.

"That\'s it, that\'s it!" Borsche said quietly, flashing a grin. "Use your quick hands to keep me at bay—that\'s it!"

"If you\'re going to swing around, circle together. Tell each other which way you\'re going."

"On the right!" Etan snapped and Ayleth immediately leaned, shuffling to block a blow from Borsche at the same time as she moved, but Etan stepped in the same direction and they came up hard against each other, Ayleth tripping on his heel and going down in the sand of the training circle.

Borsche laughed as Etan gasped and turned to help her. "So sorry, my love, are you alright?"

"Watch your right!" she screamed as Falek came for him since he\'d turned to help her. Etan only just got his block up in time.

"Never!" Falek growled, swinging punches at Etan, "Turn your back," he grunted, "on an opponent!"

Falek thrust and Etan dodged, but his foot caught on Ayleth\'s elbow and he toppled over, at the last second pushing himself out and rolling so he wouldn\'t actually land on her. But instead landed on his shoulder to her side.

Borsche was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. Falek looked less amused, but his lips did twitch up on one side.

While the men were standing there surveying how poorly they had done, Ayleth turned her head to face Etan, who was staring at her already, his chest rising and falling as he tried to get his breath back.

"That was terrible," she said. "We have a lot of work to do."

"I\'ll look forward to it," Etan murmured and picked up her hand, bringing it to his lips with a wicked grin that made her stomach flash.

"Okay, okay, that\'s enough for today," Borsche groaned. "Sit here and catch your breath, and while you do, make an agreement to name your sides—and instruct each other on which way you\'re to move when one is called—is it to move toward or away from that side? Do you have different commands to signify? It will be your choice. But choose your words carefully. Name your sides something you both understand, but that no one else will. Don\'t let your opponent be able to understand your instructions to each other."

Ayleth looked at Etan, whose eyes glowed when they latched on hers.

"We\'ll work on that right away," he said, his voice rough.

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