Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter The Black Sky Pirate Smiles Under The Moonlight. The Red Magus Roars Towards The Stars (50/63) 11: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 3 11

A small land surrounded by cliffs—that is the territory of the Lev Magic Empire.

Lev people inhabited this land. The technology of high-rise buildings has developed significantly due to the limited land space. There were so many 5-storey buildings and higher that are rarely seen in this world, and it is unique only to the Lev Magic Empire that such buildings can be used by the general public.

The Emperor, the head of the Empire, resided in the city. Although it had a vast plot and high walls, it was completely different from the royal castles of other countries.

A 9-storey building stood in the center of a large garden. Despite being a high-rise building, the width was wider than the height.

The 9th floor was the Emperor’s residence.

「——That is all above regarding the capture situation of Labyrinth Capture Divisions 1 to 3. It can be seen that all of them are having trouble with the labyrinth capture process. However, there is no report only from Labyrinth Capture Division 4.」

In a closed room without windows, a Lev person finished reading a report. There was a fan on the ceiling, ventilating the room. The walls were fixed with a mellow scarlet wallpaper, and had a high soundproofing effect.

After finishing the report, when the Lev announcer sat in the last and lowest seat at a long conference desk, the other Levs sitting at the table spoke all at once.

「Huh? Is Division 4 cutting corners?」

「That said, Divisions 1 to 3 are not doing good as well.」

「After all, she is a human-mix.」

「Wasn’t she recommended because she could use skill orbs?」

「No, I heard that the Division 4 chief can’t use skill orbs…」

「Probably going to use that as an excuse when she fails.」

「Even without relying on skills, you can capture labyrinths with just Magic Gears. Isn’t that what we’re trying to prove this time?」

「What are you saying, now after calling adventurers from the outside…」

It was noisy, but they were all the heavyweights of the Empire – the heads of administration.

A fat man, the only one who seemed inferior to others, was the director of the Labyrinth Management Bureau.

「—Quiet. His Majesty the Emperor will speak.」

Sitting on a seat built atop 9 stairs, at the opposite end of the table to the announcer, was an old man, the Emperor of the Empire.

His red jacket, which somewhat resembled a kimono, was densely embroidered with gold threads. The Emperor, with his elbow on a hand rest made of plain iron and resting his chin in his hand, directed his sleepy eyes towards the table.

「The selection of Lulusha was done by none other than me. Are you dissatisfied?」

The room fell completely silent.

「It is good that there is none. But I am worried that there is no report from Division 4. Many companies have expressed their desire to participate this time, what about that?」

「Hey, what’s going on with that?」

Prompted, the announcer stood up again.

「5 companies are accompanying us, but there is no particular change. …Ah, no, there was another application yesterday, so it’s 6 companies.」


The announcer panicked because the Emperor frowned at him.

This large-scale labyrinth capture was announced more than a month ago. Immediately after the announcement, there was a flood of applications from well-known companies, and the accompanying slots for Capture Divisions 1 to 3 were immediately filled. Division 4 was unpopular because it was led by Lulusha—a division chief with mixed blood from the human race, and there was a surplus of slots left unfilled until the end.

「It is a caravan merchant who conducts business outside the Empire.」

The Emperor stroked his long beard stretching down from his chin. His golden eyes were a characteristic of the Lev people, but the skin color varies from individual to individual. The Emperor looked like a python with black and ocher spots.

「…What about the possibility that this person has connections to the outside world?」

Hearing the emperor’s words, the Lev people attending the meeting were taken by surprise.

The Emperor was talking about the stolen magic airship. “Queen of the Night”, which was stolen about two months ago, was still in search. The Empire is also using magic airships to pursue, but it is believed that the airship has already crossed the border because the speed of “Queen of the Night” cannot be matched.

All Lev people living in the Empire are managed by a system called “Imperial National Basic Information Register”. All the citizens of the Empires have been examined for emigration and immigration, and it is now determined that the “Queen of the Night” was stolen by a foreigner – in the first place, magic spell seems to have been used when the airship was stolen, so that all but confirms the suspicion.

That said, it was unlikely that a mere caravan merchant helped steal the “Queen of the Night”, but the members participating in the conference were eager to please the Emperor’s mood.

「There is a possibility. Your Majesty, you have discerning eyes.」

「Oi! Why was such a suspicious person allowed to accompany in this capture!」

「Let’s investigate the “Labyrinth of Fear” immediately.」

「We didn’t realize it was a caravan.」

Immediately telling apart which were excessive flattery and the real concerns, the Emperor squinted his eyes and raised his hand slightly – that alone silenced the room.

「”Queen of the Night” was handed over from the former Emperor, my father. A state-of-the-art high-speed magic airship, a long-cherished wish for all Lev people. The objective of the current labyrinth capture operation is to create something that surpasses “Queen of the Night” but it is also absolutely imperative that we recover the airship. Everyone understands that, right?」

「Yes, sir!」

The voice of consent rang.

「Do your best and bring me the results. You may leave!」

「Yes, sir!」

The members then quickly left the conference room. The Emperor heaved a sigh deeply.

「Director, will the labyrinth capture be successful?」

The only person left other than the Emperor’s attendant, who takes care of the Emperor’s daily necessities, was the director of the Labyrinth Management Bureau, the superior of all four Labyrinth Capture Division.

「I-I don’t know. But Lulusha will surely do it. I’m sure of it.」the fat Lev man said nervously.

「I see. You may go.」


Looking at the director leaving in a hurry, the Emperor sighed deeply again.

「Your Majesty, why do you entrust such a person with an important management bureau?」

The woman who serves as the Emperor’s attendant and also as a secretary, asked.

「Bloodline. It can’t be helped.」


The director’s father was the head of one of the five large companies that gathered magic tool crafters. Magic tools determine the fate of the Empire—so it was only natural that a company that could invent new things and create many magic tools would have power.

It sometimes surpassed the power of the Emperor.

「It’s the same for Lulusha.」

Lulusha’s father, Karl, was the head of the department that manages the trading of magic tools. He was extremely strong in negotiations with foreign countries – though many Levs were surprised when he brought back a bride of the human race.

Lulusha was often compared to Karl. What’s more, her outer appearance was almost human, but on the inside, she was a Lev – in other words, she couldn’t use skill orbs; the worst of both worlds for someone like that in this country.

That’s why the Emperor has high hopes for her. The long deceased Karl is still talked about by the people of the Empire. Lulusha must have heard about her father no matter where she went, to the point of getting sick of it. Her will to overcome that was necessary to solve the labyrinth problem, the Emperor thought.

(But the same is true for you, Your Majesty.)

His secretary thought so, with a respectful bow.

The Emperor’s predecessor succeeded in completing the first magic airship. The predecessor brought great fortune to the Empire by selling the airship abroad.

It is said that the current Emperor has no outstanding achievements and “only uses the stem of mica mushrooms raised by his predecessor.” If there is a stem, mushrooms will grow again. It is the Emperor’s job to find new stemsー.

* Lulusha *

「Magic bows ready!! ……Fire!」

Soldiers holding crossbows, shot arrows all at once.

「Direct hit!!」

In a vast hall where the ceiling could not be seen, a large automaton fitted with a continuous track appeared. Rotating the continuous track, it charged towards the soldiers. Its body imitated a wild boar, but, of course, the frame body was made of metal and had no fur. All that was attached was numerous thorn needles that cut into everything it touched.

The shot arrows pierced the automaton. A wire was attached to the arrow feather, which was connected to a box in a soldier’s hand.

「Magi Lightning activated!」

The soldier pressed a button on the box, and threw it forward. Immediately after, bluish-white electric shock travelled along the wire and caused electric shock to the automaton. A loud sizzling sound rang, loud enough to hurt the ears, but the effect was instantaneous.

Smoke spewed out from inside of the boar, with a high-pitched alarm-like sound—but the continuous track’s momentum did not stop and was still charging towards the soldiers.

「Spread out! Spread out!」

The soldiers ran away, but several were caught in the boar’s charge and were sent flying. The automaton crashed into the wall of the labyrinth and bounced back due to the impact – but it stopped moving after that.

「Has it stopped?」

「Chief! It’s dangerous, keep away!」

Without heeding the warning, a woman approached the large automaton.

Her deep blue hair was casually tied behind. She wore a jumpsuit made of strong fabric, and a tool belt wrapped around her waist. She didn’t look like someone who does any paperwork at all, rather, dressed like a factory worker who works on the ground level, but she was indeed the chief of the Labyrinth Capture Division 4 ー Lulusha.

She was 18 years old. Her eyes were the same amber colour as her grandfather.

「It seems to be over…」

A female member of the Capture Division 4 came to Lulusha’s side and responded to her murmur—everyone else but Lulusha were Levs.

「Yes. However, since we used Magi Lighting, the magic tech inside are probably burned off.」

「It can’t be helped. If we hadn’t used it, there would have been casualties… No, there are already many injured.」

The merchants who accompanied them were making noise from behind.

「This is not useful!」

「Oi, it’s not worth it to get injured just to harvest scrap iron.」

「The only thing we got was the soldiers getting injured.」

「It was a waste of time, after all.」

They were buying the loot of the automaton that the Labyrinth Capture Division fought, on the spot. If you can capture an automaton intact, it will go for an incredibly high price, but that is impossible. Because “intact” means the automaton is up and running.

There are weaknesses in automatons – “electricity”. The sorcery powered automatons use a metal with high magical efficiency, which conducts electricity. Using electricity burns off the sorcery-powered tech inside and silences the automaton. However, rare catalysts and magic stones also break if you do so, which results in the loot only being metal lumps. Metal lumps do not fetch a high price.

「Chief, this is not the only problem.」

「What more?」

「…We are running out of Magi Lightning.」

Hearing that, Lulusha clicked her tongue.

「What’s going on with logistical support!? We have sent reports and requests for aid many times, right!?」

It has been 10 days since they entered the labyrinth with 100 members, but there has been no response from the outside world. Food and water are sufficient, but they consume more catalyst than expected.

Magic Gears are powerful and can be used by anyone, but it consumes catalysts.

「Have to withdraw, huh…」

It was when Lulusha said so, while getting her teeth.

「Chief!! Enemy sighted!」

The scout brought back information she didn’t want to hear the most at the moment.

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