Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 56

I walk through the dark path, and return to the cave from the lake .

My steps are heavy as expected .

Ahhh, dammit, still I want to have a full humanoid body .

I can’t believe that I need to suffer just to use 〖Art of Human Transformation〗 .

This is what, means that I have to live as a dragon my whole life?

I feels like it purposely tried to give me trauma .

Don\'t tell me I have to suffer every time I use that skill .

It seems to be necessary for me to check it first every time I obtained a weird skill .

Like a skill to separate the head from the body, it won\'t be funny if the body is destroyed while the head is split .

I, I wonder if I’m not suited to be a human . . . . . . . Or What, do I need to raise the skill level?

Do I have to go through that suffering many more times to level it up?

That is to say, I’m not fond of self torture .

Now that I can finally seen the cave, and found a floating light that dazed near the entrance .

Is that . . . . . . a Hikaridake?

[E . N: I know that hikari=light and take=mushroom, but the words is written in Katakana, where it\'s usually used to spell foreign name in Japanese . Seriously, the more I’m checking his naming sense the more i\'m getting a headache . like, he can\'t really think of the english name, so he decided to call a foreign mushroom in Japanese name, with foreign letter . So tempted to change this to Glowshroom]

Hikaridake is a glowing mushroom, something which I have used as a light bulb in the cave .

I turn it off at night by covering it with the gray wolf’s fur .

There is no way for the mushroom to emerge by itself .

When I concentrate my eyes, I can see two woman observing the entrance of the cave .

The shorter woman in the back has the Hikaridake in hand . It looks like she is using it as flashlight .

She was holding a foolishly big hammer in her other the hand that’s not holding the Hikaridake .

What is that woman, there’s animal ear growing on top of her head?

Is that girl a beast human?

I\'m not too surprised by this because I am a dragon .

The other one wore a rough armor .

Although it barely shows the body line, it seems like she can move well in it .

What is a beastwoman and a female swordsman doing in such as place?

Or rather, the time has finally come for a human to visit my home .

This is finally my chance to appeal to them as a friendly, cultural and peaceful dragon . .

I must control the timing of my appearance .

I instinctively hide behind a tree, and watch the situation inside the cave .

The two female adventurer, I observe from various angle from the entrance .

Ooo I’m nervous I’m nervous .

I need to show the height of my perfect image .

Somehow this, I’m happy and nervous and impatient at the same time .

The two people are in a silent state, having a dumbfounded look with their mouth open .

Heheh, it\'s because it is a product that i have created over and over again .

The pot is one thing, but the statue at the entrance should have the most impact .

While they’re looking around, the girl put the hammer and Hikaridake on the ground, and start patting the statue .

Ooo, can’t be helped .

You can touch it until you are satisfied .

The moment I allowed them in my mind, the girl pick up a nearby branches and hit the statue with it .

Ya bastard, what are you doing!

I didn\'t allow you to go that far!

Although the tree branch broke, as for me, I’m not feeling so good .

I’ll seriously cry if you scratch it .

What a terrible thing to do .

After that, while pointing the Hikaridake forward, the two people timidly enter the cave .

The pots and carpet that I had laid inside, the salt and spices that I desperately collected, and also the dried meat .

I’m looking forward to what kind of reaction they will have, so I quietly move from the shadow of the tree to the entrance of the cave .

Oh, that reminds me, the Black Lizard is still sleeping inside .


I bark into the cave, and quickly hide myself .

Now I wish the Black Lizard would wake up and flee .


"Τι είναι αυτό ;!" "Μαύρη Σαύρα!"

Three kind of screams can be heard inside .

Black Lizard then came running out of the cave quickly, and jumps towards me .

"Kishi\'! Kishii\'!"

I patted the excited black lizard to calm her, and then I turn my eyes to the cave again .

The two are peeping from the lined up jar, while looking like they’re discussing something .

I want to go out with the [Actually it’s me] kind of feeling, or [I’m a dragon as smart as a human] kind of feeling .

Should I do it, or should I not?

But what if they only see me as a monster strayed off to the cave?

That\'s when a good idea hit me .

While observing the two people who are in the cave, I coming up with plans about this and that but cancel them myself .


Black Lizard stared curiously at the troubled me .

The moment that I was about to direct my focused to the Black Lizard, I saw the beast ear move towards the entrance .

In a hurry I run and stick to the wall of the entrance, to hid my figure .

Dangerous dangerous .

I was about to be seen .

But what do I do?

The preparations that I had done till now will go to waste if I\'m only hiding myself .

While I’ve decorated the interior so that i can live inside it comfortably, I also need to show that I’m not just a monster when a human appears .

I can’t hesitate here .

There is no other choice but to do it .

I used the once sealed 〖Art of Human Transformation〗 as there are no other choices .

Although I certainly have a terrible appearance, I didn’t look all that different from a human .

It should be better than my Dragon form . Also I think that unstable appearance is because it\'s my first time .

"Gaa\' . "


I give a small squeal to the black lizard while stroking its head .

To insure that the Black Lizard does not rampage when it see my changed appearance .

"Karubokishi, Kishi\'!"

Was it because of my appearance, but I felt Black Lizard crowing even more .

This gave me some peace of mind to me .

Even if I humanize successfully, I have no intention to separate from the black lizard .

While stroking the head of the black lizard I think such a thing .

Though it might just be my excuse to depend on the black lizard .

I calm my breath, and create a strong image of a human in my mind .

I got this . I can do it .

Yet, my mental image is not enough .

[The level of normal skill〖Art of Human Transformation〗 has increased from 1 to 2 . ]

Encouraged by the letter appearing inside my head, I activated the 〖Art of Human Transformation〗 .

The inside of my body heats up, and become compressed .

Perhaps because I was used to it, or is my body is adjusted for it, I think the pain is lesser than before .

I can do it!

It\'s possible to do this .

Though I can\'t confirm my appearance, I think it should be more human than before .


I look back at the Black Lizard who makes a small noise, but i look away immediately, and enter the cave .

I arrive at the entrance of the cave and looks for the two people .

Their expression express the color of dark and fear .

If you were to guess, it might be because I look like some kind of terrible monster . . .

Well . . . . . . Could it be, that there are monsters behind me?

"Μην αφαιρείτε την απόλυτη!" "Είναι φυσικό!"

With a shout, the beast person launch herself towards me .

The foolishly big hammer slammed into my body .

Because I was in human form, my offence and defence was reduced by half .

That blow could have been downright fatal .


I was sent Flying through the air with the good strike, but I somehow managed in arranging a landing posture .

As that was happening the female swordsman who was standing behind the beast girl, holding the sword to the outside of the cave .

"" Φως του φεγγαριού \' . "

With a cry the moonlight is reflected on her sword, and it changed to several spheres that attacks me .

I got hit by 5 of it, and falls to the ground on my stomach .

"ga, Gaa . . . . . . "

The beast girl tries to finish the worn out me, but the female swordsman stops her .

The two people left, trying to run away .

"Kit, Kishiii\'!"

The black lizard who see the two people running away, tries to chase them .

Gripping its tail, I manage to detain her somehow .

When the two people disappears, my body expands, I returned to the dragon form with a crouching posture on the ground .

"Gaa . . . . . . "

"Kishi\' . "

With a lick, the tongue of the black lizard touched me .

I wonder if she is trying to console me?

The me, who is desperately trying to betray the black lizard .


The black lizard cries again, then it pays attention to the stone statue at the entrance of the cave .

Standing there are the dragon statue and a human statue lined up on each side of the entrance, but it gazed towards the human statue .

Which makes me wonder how much the Black Lizard understands about the current situation .

It’s already good that its not surprised to see me suddenly transformed, it even tried to console me after the disturbance just now, so I think the black lizard might be smarter than I think .

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