The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 425

“Yeah, I think so,” returned another shadier with a hint of desolation. “Didn’t the boss say we’re ready for anything? Those guys who settled at the edge of town have some of us worried.”

“Are the rumors that bad?” asked the first.

“I heard that the buildings around the mansion were taken by force. The people were sent to god knows where.”

“Man, they really must be ballsy,” exclaimed the first.

“Why do you think so?”

“They right up and came to Tale. Good thing the actual deal is taking place somewhere else.”


“Shut up, don’t speak loudly, the walls have ears.”

“My bad, let’s get to work.”

The further the sun sank, the harsher became the night. In said harshness stood the leaders of various platoons. It hadn’t been long since Phantom’s sudden arrival. Lady Lerado, the leader, viewed as the Queen of this particular chess game, sat and relaxed in luxury. There wasn’t a need for further action on her part. Word on the street, perpetuated by the Black Unit, was that she had brought in help from Godfather Renaud.

Kendy’s platoon remained on stand-by for the whole time. As for the Black Unit, they were assigned a covert operation. One of which details were known to only Boss.

“Are you sure it’s here?”

“Yes, the information lead to this location,” said éclair rather confidently. Hovered above the province of Skouso; the coming dusk made for easier movement. Skouso was primarily known for being rural and somewhat old-school. Here, not to say there wasn’t any development, was primarily based on agriculture and mariculture. They were very important as the food came from their harvest. The whole continent depended on their fertile lands. Going east from the province, one would come across the port. One of many around the continent. Here, any and everyone could gain entry. Argument could be said that narcotics and arms could be imported via said route. Neither good nor bad, the situation of Skouso differed from the rest. Their livelihood depended on the sea, and the sea was a lady who never blinked when taking a life. Fishing and other boats were allowed entry, as for the rest, they were sent to Scaica.

‘The exemption of being searched is given to a few boats. Inspection by the Anti-Narco unit is frequent. It’s a shame, the well-established idea is naught but childsplay. The AN-U in charge of Skouso is corrupt. Paid in full by Cimier, I presume. It might go deeper since one of the five conglomerates make their home here.’

Salty came the scent of waves crashing against the man-made reef of docks. The bigger the boat, the more stable it seemed, the harshness of the waves was only apparent on small boats. Among those who were exempted from being searched, most were from a certain organization. Their , simplistic as it might have been, held the letter ‘K’ and ‘R’ with the Trader’s insignia as the backdrop.

‘How are they related?’ thought Staxius stood atop a warehouse. Time on the wrist showed 20:00. The workers went back and forth unloading merchandise from trucks. Forklifts, though seemed to be toys, lifted weights twice their weight. It wasn’t rare to see people with inhuman strength carry the loads barehanded.


“Yes, master?”

“Do you realize what this means?”

“Yeah, I do.”

‘I do hope it’s not true. If the search brings proof, then I know it’s certain.’ *All-Seeing Eyes.* Calm to fierce as the crashing waves, he searched around the massive compound. Jumping from people to people, listening to conversations, catching their thoughts – the ideal intel-gathering ability.

“Why are these so heavy?” complained a worker holding a crate. The greyish dirtied floor rendered walking that difficult.

“That’s why you need to use a forklift,” honked another joyously, “-your powers have their limit.”

“I know,” the crate dropped. “Can you carry it outside for me?”

“I knew you’d see it my way. What truck?”

“The one for Patek’s.”

“Ohh, the Patek’s. Did you peak inside?” winked he in the machine.

“I don’t want to die, what the hell?” cried the man sharply, “-don’t make fun of ’em. The last guy disappeared because of a similar comment.”

“My bad.”*Brrrr,* it continued the journey.

‘Interesting,’ the trance-state broke. ‘If I’m guessing this correctly,’ snuck towards the back where the cargo was being loaded. ‘There it is, the Patek’s truck.’ Bigger and more secure than the rest – a bit overkill. The yellowish carrier came with the crate. Soon to stop and align with the truck, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* a single flick had the crate topple and break. Sighs of agony echoed as the item broke. Those on the trucks glared with murderous intent, “-quick, cover it up,” screamed one of the workers.

‘Got it,’ smirked Staxius, ‘-that’s their deal.’ Sprouting wings, he flapped in towards the continent. “Have a deeper look at Kura’s Trading Corporation.”

“Yes, master.”

The glittering of the star-strutted sky was masked by the ever bright Melmark. Landed atop the hotel – the air felt soothing despite its strength.

“Kura’s Trading Corporation is ranked as the third most powerful conglomerate in Alphia. Their business deals in trading, mainly food and other consumables. They own the majority of the factories specializing in food distribution, manufacturing, and more. There are also markets around the continent. Since master doesn’t shop often, thee might have overlooked the frequency of their buildings. Convenient stores, super-market, hyper-market, you name it, and the Kura’s have it under the name Juro.”

“Run a search if ever the Kura’s had a relation with Patek’s.”

“Yes, there are many connections. A lady from the Kura Clan was married to the Patek Dynasty.”

“Here I thought we’d have inbreeding.”

“Did you say something, master?”

“No, forget about it.”

*Clop, clop, clop,* came the steps of shoes against a wooden floor. A new day rose outside.

“Thempa, Kendy,” said Staxius closing the door behind.

“Good morning, boss.”

“Good morning,” he unbuttoned the suit jacket and sat in a flawless motion. “Take a seat.”


“Kendy, how are the preparations?”

“My platoon left for Skouso two days ago. They should have set up camp at the location.

“Good,” nodded he in agreement, “-what about the BU?”

“The operation garnered crucial information. I have my men monitoring the meeting point.”

“Well then, gentlemen, I’ll go over the plan one more time,” a toggle had the lights dimmed. “We have intel the Jefferson’s are going to exchange pleasantries with Cimier. Now, I don’t know if the latter will be present or not, the plan will not change. Kendy’s platoon will split into squads and remain on stand-by at these locations. We’re going to lock-down the village of Memat. Being close to the port should limit their movement. Remember, we need to keep the bloodshed to a minimum. I want hostages from the Jefferson’s. Thempa’s unit will be on overwatch, they’ll support it from afar if it goes loud. We’re dealing with the underground, don’t expect mercy. Thee already know of my involvement in the Dark-Guild. I hope it stays that way else...”

“Yes sir.

“Any questions?”

“What is the real purpose of the operation?”

“To see who is an ally and who is not.”

The time came; Thempa and Kendy were taken to the outskirts of Memat. They made a temporary camp barricaded by trucks and armored vehicles. A bonfire made the tranquil night warmer as they overlooked the village. The operation was scheduled for 23:00. Faint flickering from the homes was the more reason why the rural Skouso felt peaceful. Thus, time continued until the opportune moment.

‘Fools,’ smiled Staxius, ‘-the intel acquired by 02 was fake. Cimier sure is cunning. They don’t know I have a member far deeper in the circle than they expect. The location doesn’t matter; Cimier wants to know whose mole and who is not. If I were to show up at the real location, then, they’d know my spy is in their ranks. Tis the reason why Thempa and Kendy are at Memat. There will be a fight – they’ll be ambushed, it’s a trap.’ Stood outside of the mansion, the emptiness of the courtyard was replaced with the sound of engines. Not regular, but rotors, helicopters without crest nor identification made rounds.

“Here they come,” said a lady who stood on the balcony.

“The prediction was right,” added another.

“Intherna, Gophy,” smiled he, “-go ahead and show them thy power.” Turned to lean against the balustrade, the eyes shut to assist the fight at Memat. The destruction of the goddesses was very much pleasing to the ears.

“Help, we’re being massacred by t-two u-unknown f-figures.”

“Did the ambush fail?” asked a lady with a classy accent.

“Y-yes ma-am, t-the Lerado m-mansion is still being protected by demons.”

“I don’t care, have all of our men storm the front. We’re not going to stay by and let some unknown faction take precedence on my land, my family’s land, they’re not going to invade our home, we’re the Patek’s. SHOW THEM HELL.”

“Master, I’ve managed to hack into their channel.”

“I heard that – the Patek’s are involved.”

“Master, we have trouble,” interjected Intherna and Gophy.

“What’s the matter?” he turned to where they hovered.

“There are demons in their rank, actual revived demons from the age of war. It’s going to be a hard fight.”

“Keep the damage to a minimum,” returned he nonchalantly.

“Are you sure?” *BANG,* a charred corpse slammed beside Staxius.

“Intherna,” said he coldly, “-stop playing with the food and get to demon-slaying.” With the same flare as a volcanic eruption, the daughter of Rah took to the skies with the demons on her tail. Gophy’s more discrete approach had but whimpers echo. Two battles began simultaneously.

Preoccupied with the demons, the goddesses forgot to guard the mansion. The latter was soon surrounded with forces twice as large as the Subjugation Squad. Heads covered with helmets, Antis-2 in their hands, the force marched forth.

“How dare thee enter this property,” thundered the words across. “Does thy wish death?” the power had many feel the tension. No reply came, rather, the men were quick to aim their weapons at he who spoke. Stood openly on the balcony, lasers soon met with the vital organs. “Are the Patek’s wanting a war?” Amidst the questions, a differently dressed man rose his hand.

“You’re invading on private property,” said he.

“And who says so?”

“The Patek’s. We’ve come here to reclaim what is ours. The mansion belongs to us. Give and surrender, tis the only way of survival. Phantom, we know you’ve walked onto Alphia wanting war. The Dark-Guild have become very gutsy to oppose us, the true rulers of the underworld.”

“The Patek’s are rulers of the underworld?” chuckled Staxius, “-do you take me a fool?”

“No,” refuted the other, “-just as Shadow and The kings are one and the same; so are we.”

“Just who are you?” the tone fell into a monotonous state.

“We’re the ones who will be the downfall of the mighty King of Arda. Heed us well – if you don’t agree to leave our land, we’ll make sure all your information is revealed to the public. The Arcanum is a very destructive tool. What will the scandal say about the Royal Family, will Princess Eira’s marriage not be canceled?”


“Answer me now!”

“We’re the Patek’s” laughed he, “-and I’m one of the heirs to the family,” the helmet lowered, “-I’m sure Hydra might jog the memories. You who was slain by the beast will be defeated once again by another Hydra. Cut one heir and another two will take his place.”

“How long has this fa?ade been going for?”

“Ever since you met with Mr. Dorino. Majesty, you were careless and overconfident. Tis why you were blind-sided. The Gaso Group and the other conglomerates fall into our jurisdiction, the Patek’s are almighty.”

“What about the AHA?”

“I must admit, it was a very good plan. We never expected the Association to be broken in such a way.”

“What of Memat?”

“Phantom’s forces are being surrounded as we speak; we’ve made sure every militia we have joined that fight. Give it up, Staxius Haggard, the plan is over. Meldorino is back into our company; watchmaking is a great idea. Not to mention the free advertisement. You’ve lost; Hero King of Arda, you’ve lost.”

“Heh...” exhaling deeply, “-I suppose you’re right,” he stared up to see a mountainous figure holding Intherna and Gophy captive.

“The Holy Church of Kreston sends their regards.”

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