The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 373

“I’ve come to purchase a car,” said the king with a neutral tone. “Could you show us around?”

“With pleasure,” held onto a tablet, the employee walked across the expansive hall. Not noticeable from the outside, the inside was on a much larger scale. It had to be so for outlines of cars hidden behind drapes rested on circular platforms. Rare was it for people to come and speak so frankly. The norm was of people arriving, stared, and admired the beasts, then left with a smile. Not that it hurt anyone, the company provided more than adequate pay.

“May I ask to what model you’re looking for?” inquired the man as they walked past many o’ sports cars. Sultria followed close to Courtney, a feeling of astoundment, despite being used to the riches of the world, was felt heavily. It mostly had to do with he who led the group, the king.

“What’s the most expensive model you have. I need one that can carry four people without trouble,” he glanced back and returned as if confirming what was said.

“Most expensive model,” oddly smiled the employee. Confused and left speechless, never was such a sentence uttered in Pildi’s showroom.

“Hey, how may I be of assistance,” interjected another who had witnessed the scene.


“Do I have to repeat myself?” a frown at the well-built man forced him to smile.

“No, I apologize for being rather stunned for words. Not that excuses are going to resolve the issue but you must understand that there’s never been anyone who’d ask for the most expensive item from the get-go.”

“It’s no trouble,” he replied reassuringly, “-so, care to explain what we’ve in front of us?” They had walked a few steps yet it felt so far away, the door was as if the portal to another dimension. Sultria and Courtney all but stood and watched, the way the king dealt with the people piqued the interest nicely.

“We’re looking at the EDO-4 of SST-series. SST standing for Sport-standard-tuning. Vehicles that are barely legal to drive around. The SST is Pildi’s most prestigious series to date. They are manufactured per order and made once or twice each year.”

“What of this unit then?”

“We hosted an inauguration party as well as show-festival for car enthusiasts last week. This model was made especially for said event. The culmination of Pildi’s technological advancement inside a single car.”

“My question is whether thou art selling such a beast?”

“Selling...” he paused, “-sire, forgive my asking, did you really come to purchase the most expensive car we have?”

“Listen,” the stare changed to a glare, “-I’ve had it with the pointless charade. I understand that thou art doing thy job, nonetheless, I’d kindly ask thee to stop wasting my companions and I’s time. I only came for thy prestigious brand, if that isn’t sufficient, I’m not opposed to looking elsewhere.”

“Forgive the man’s mistake,” in came another, a man with a lavish suit and good mannerism. “I apologize for thee having been showed such disrespect.”

“Mr. Holms, what a pleasant surprise.”

“Majesty King of Arda, I knew you’d have come for sure thus my presence.”

“Mr. Holms, you needn’t have done such a thing,” gestured as they spoke, the duo began a series of unconventional conversations.

“Any idea to whom it is?” asked the Emperor.

“It’s Holms; a manager for Pildi. We met few years prior and are very much so in touch for business goes two ways,” stopped, ‘-not to mention that he dabbles in the underground as well,’ a lit grin appeared. Minutes later, the topic returned to his visit.

“Majesty, may I ask why thou came to our showroom?”

“Nothing of much value, I thought it wise to check onto an acquaintance’s ware for once. I’m very much keen on purchasing.”

“Yes, you needn’t worry,” gestured Holms at the employees, a gesture of dismissal. “I take to finding what is being sought after.”

“What of the EDO-4 SST?” he pointed at a jet-black car. The headlights were of the shape of a shark, the overall feel was of utter fear, a killer on land. A mixture of luxury and sport, a love-child; direct words from car-magazines.

“The show-piece?” paused the manager, “-art thou sure?”

“Why, is it not for sale?”

“It’s for sale, but I never expected anyone to go straight for this model. It’s a fully operational show-piece.”

“What’s the problem, there’s doubt in thy eyes,” commented Staxius invested into obtaining what seemed unreachable.

“It’s going to cost.”

“Name the price.”

“3,600,000 Exa,” he replied with a dejected gaze.

“Brother, you’re not going to spend that much on a car, will you?”

“Father, is that true?”

“Mr. Holms,” ignoring their plea, “-to be sure, is this particular model considered a limited edition?”

“Limited,” he chuckled, “-it’s far more than that. This is the first and only model with the mana-processing engine.”

“The same as the Xerxes series cars?”

“Yes, an improved version I’d say. I’m surprised you knew about them.”

“My daughter and I own one of each, Red-Fury and Void,” laughing, “-have the paper’s readied, I’m buying the car. Maintenance and services should have been done since there was a festival, am I wrong?”

“Yes, you’re correct,” he took to the counter with a blissful visage. The workers came to a stand-still, the showpiece was decided to be sold. There were many bids on its price already, all reaching in the 2 million range. To win the ownership without hassle, Holms gave a price not many would wish to compete against. Minutes turned to hours as they sat inside a cold office. Courtney and the emperor took some time off to explore the capital.

“I can’t believe that you’re going to buy a car for 3.6 million.”

“Holms,” paused the king with a coy stare, “-the price is lesser than I expected. Why the hesitance when speaking of selling it earlier?”

“Considering the engine is one of a kind, I thought that the director would be angered.”

“Why then, why such a change of mind.”

“Simple,” papers slid across the table, “-I’m a humble friend of Renaud’s family. The family means more than hierarchy in the business world. Besides, who in their right mind would refuse the leader of Phantom and Argashield Federation.”

“Don’t blow it out of proportion,” papers signed and payment approved, the keys were handed over.

“The car is very valuable and stands out easily, come to me if there’s any trouble with the interior, engine, or anything. Thou did pay a fortune,” they stood outback of the show-room before an oval-shaped track for testing the cars.

“I’ll have a go,” sat, the interior was of leather, pure and exquisite, the dashboard held a vintage architecture with the splash of technology. A silent start followed by the awakening of a menacing beast, tis was the car that was purchased.

Few laps later, “-she drives like a charm,” the door opened upwards.

“Glad you liked it,” smiled Holms.

“Yes, I very much do so,” a single press had the door shut automatically. “Now then,” stood close, “-what’s the reason for this impromptu visit?”

“I heard rumors of a certain high-end fashion brand being bought from under their feet.”

“What of it, brands go through that change once in a while.”

“That’s not the issue at hand,” he coughed, “-the brand in question isn’t going to let itself die so quickly.”


“And nothing really, just thought I’d have thy advice on the situation at hand.”

“There’s nothing that interesting about it. Mr. Holms, it’s been a pleasure as always. I’ll see you around for there are greater things to attend too.”

“So long,” said the manager.

“Brother,” came a voice followed by a wave.

“Courtney and the Emperor, I see you’ve brought a few things to help along with the travel,” a reference to a filled grocery bag.

“Cut us some slack.”

“We need supplies to last the journey to my estate.” Before another word said, a car turned from behind Staxius, the show-piece upon which an argument was formed earlier.

“It’s a shame to see this baby go,” exited the Manager with a reminiscent smile.

“Don’t tell me...” she stared with a mixture of emotions.

“Father-in-law...” sweaty hands laid upon the back-window creating a hand-print.

“Go on,” said Staxius grabbing onto the key, “-we’re leaving.”

“I’ll sit at the front,” said the lady upon which the car began its journey in the hands of a new owner. Spending said amount on a singular car was folly. Most weren’t in a position to recklessly allow money to be drained so, especially when the world economy was head-over-heels. Nonetheless, Phantom’s owner could have cared less for it was the policy instated by Cake. One could say, forcefully demanded, she wanted her Boss to enjoy the fruits of her labor. The car soon took to the East, heading away from the Capital City named Melmark. Heading east, the roads turned to a gentle slope, one that showed the drop in altitude. Opposed to the forest, all along the road were buildings, houses, and more. Warehouses and so forth on other privately own lands separated accordingly. The details weren’t important for the destination was a rural-town named Sult – a derivation from Sultria. The drive upon the well-built road felt peaceful. The lack of cars towards said area seemed strange. As for the son-in-law, he slept peacefully as the minutes turned to hours. Head against the window with saliva drooling, the complete opposite of being named Emperor.

“Care to explain the purpose of getting the car?”

“Is that matter still of importance, I’ve paid for it, and tis mine. What else is there to understand?”

“You do know that the money doesn’t come easy,” she sighed, “-I’m the one making God’s Ale and Angel Dust.”

“Could you be any louder,” he gritted to which she stared outside. “One must show his standing in mannerisms and belongings. We’re a part of the Emperor’s council. There’s going to be opposition, I want to rile those who wish to do him harm. Let’s say that the car is a bait, one costing a fortune. Besides, I rather enjoy the look of it.”

“Honestly...” she breathed as to relax, “-I’m going to sleep, good night.” Over yonder, the sun headed for sleep as well. Darkness soon enveloped with the countless street-lamps giving solace as the night-trip continued.

Assaulted by bright rays, Sultria awoke to blue-sky and passing clouds. “Where are we?” he asked with a yawn as the stomach grumbled. Beside laid a peaceful looking Courtney, none would have figured her to be a cold-blooded killer.

“We’re about 5 minutes out the estate,” came a voice from the front.

“Good morning, father,” said he as a courtesy.

“Likewise,” the voice seemed uninterested.

“We made it to Sult,” wooden board with the name of said town went past. Vivid green leaves against the bright blue, one could confuse for a child’s drawing for the colors were loud.

“What a pleasant surprise,” they stopped at a traffic light, the town held many o’ buildings ranging from four to five stories tall. In fairness, it was obvious that Sult prospered from being close to the Emperor’s Estate. A tourist attraction of which didn’t bother nor harm any. The people wore casual clothes, not overly formal, a good balance. The shops and restaurants were opened, the town-square located dead-center of Sult, boomed. Waiters rushed through alleys to have the menu readied.


“Feels good to be back.”

“Tis where it all begins,” a pessimistic remark as the car drove farther inside. People were drawn to its shape and slick architecture. The thing about the model was that one needn’t be an expert to see how much it would have cost.

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