The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 151

It didn’t matter, people of average living standards settled half-way across. No residential district in the capital, most made their homes near the outskirts. The city itself was reserved for business, entertainment, and work. A charm that many grew to like and admire.

“Quite spectacular for a mere restaurant,” Aceline commented on the place’s esthetic. “I agree,” Staxius looked outside. “I care not for how the place looks; the food was absolutely divine. Even the waiters were pretty nice,” Scott added his thought on the matter.

Their table was located near the edge, a place where a clear view of the outside made the food taste better. Nightlife here was a fairy tale. All the lights felt as if the stars had descended onto Vlaiwia. Buildings lit, advertisements, good looking people showing off their products, cars and many more. The disparities now apparent, technology did not just advance here, it became essential in daily life. It was hard to imagine how from a still-growing medieval continent such as Hidros could compare to Iqeavea.

It felt like two complete eras living coherently in this bizarre yet amazing world. “I must say I like the capital a lot, there’s so much to do and so little time,” Aceline mumbled, her eyes passionately gaze upon the scenery.

“Anyways Lucy,” the trance broke, Staxius got to business. “-care to enlighten us about his Imperial highness’s presence?” a question that got everyone’s attention. Even little Adete could not hide her curiosity. Staxius’s soft hair became her new home. As if on a bed, she crawled up to his forehead and waited for an answer.

“Prince Ernis wanted to see his favorite artist,” she took a sip of wine. “That’s the extent of our visit,” the glass placed on the table without making noise.


“Are you sure about that?” Staxius’s eyes glared at the blond-haired man, it made the latter feel threatened. “Come on,’ Lucy leaned over and blocked the Prince’s face from view. “Don’t you believe me?” she asked trying to get out sympathy.

“Oh dear Lucy, I haven’t changed since Claireville Academy. I still stand by my ideals,’ the reply firm, he leaned back and the eyes lightened its intensity.

“The stuff about not trusting anyone apart from oneself?” she asked keen on knowing the ideals. “Not really, I don’t mind having people around. It’s just that I have a hard time believing the words that come out of anyone’s mouth. One may say something and think another – tis is the way humans behave,” words came out as sharp as blades.

Behind the eyes of the innocent prince, a fire burnt. He grew angry, the words from Staxius hit home. A mixture of anxiety and confusion settled in. The mind went blank from trying to decipher that ponytailed man. ‘Has he figured out my plans or no,’ the legs moved rapidly without effort – the pressure grew to be more that one could handle.

‘Come on break, dear prince,’ Staxius thought and looked away, Scott and Aceline were oblivious to the mind games happening. Dark-arts was used earlier, he came to know some things that were never meant to be revealed. In their eyes, this was just an innocent talk.

“Lucy,” a few seconds went by, “what is it now?” she asked without much thought; another drink was ordered. “What would someone do if by chance one’s secret was found out – something so vile and disgusting it would change the definition of shameful,” on the last word, Staxius stared Ernis in the eyes and smirked.

‘He knows,’ the prince panicked, the fingers twitched. “Prince Ernis,” just as he tried to stand, Aceline began a conversation.

“I don’t know really,” Lucy downed another glass of wine. Not ladylike but none judged, “-I’d probably just disappear with my secrets,” her face flushed a little.

“Excuse me Aceline, nature calls,” with the utmost care as to not make noise, the price stood and headed to the toilet.

“Scott,” Staxius whispered, they sat right next to each other. “Hmm?”

“I think the prince is up to something, it’s a hunch. I’ll head to the toilet – cover for me,” without giving the manager time to reply, Staxius set out after the prince with something hidden inside the pocket. Left alone with the two girls chatting, Scott didn’t have anything to do else eat.

‘Who is that man,’ the prince washed his face, the water ran; cold and soothing. ‘Does he know about my obsession with pretty things and how I like to keep them for myself,’ one splash of water didn’t suffice. He continued to wash the face till it went freezing cold.

“Prince Ernis,” Staxius entered the empty washroom. “Y-yes,” the voice cracked from fear. *Splash,* he began to rinse his face as well. “You needn’t worry. That secret you hide isn’t that bad of a thing. At last, the truth came to light.” He took a step back and waited for a response. “What secret are you talking about?” Ernis looked away, the face red and cheeks boiling.

“What secret you ask,” Staxius moved closer. Unwillingly, the prince stepped back till he could not proceed, the wall blocked the escape. “You like both men and women don’t you,” Staxius leaned in and whispered, the boy crumbled.

“H-how d-did you know,” the breathing grew erratic. With a smile, he took a step back and watched. “I’ve got my ways, but there’s nothing to be worried about. I can understand how that mindset can be detrimental in our still archaic world. Loving someone from the same sex may be wrong and all, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to judge. Be free and live for yourself, for the moment thy life is dictated by others; tis isn’t thine any longer.”

*Bang,* a muffled noise echoed, Ernis hit his fist onto the wall. “How can you understand, my mind is a wreck. I can’t help but stare at both boys and girls. It hurts, if ever my father were to know about this – I’d be alienated from the only place I call home,” the voice filled with regrets.

“You speak true, I haven’t a single clue to how painful thy life is,” he paused and breathed in. “Loving both isn’t sin nor is it shameful. You might be confused at this moment, that obsession with things that are pretty and cute doesn’t make one girly. It’s normal to find things adorable. I’ve but a job and that is to protect Aceline,” the tone suddenly changed to serious. “If my client’s life, no scrap that. If my friend’s life is in any bit of danger, I swear that this conversation will make way to the Emperor,” Staxius held out a phone, one borrowed from Scott.

“...” the face changed from flushed to shocked, “I-I c-can’t b-believe it,” he fell onto his knees. “A-are you s-seriously going to b-blackmail me. Right after I thought I had found someone that could understand and accept me for who I am,” tears rolled down, “but I guess the world is filled with deception isn’t it,” the head rose, the expression of sadness and regret was one that would burn itself into the mind.

“Listen, Prince,” Staxius knelt in turn, “-don’t expect pity from anyone ever again,” he held Ernis’s shoulder. *Beep,* the file got deleted, “I won’t ask to be your friend or anyone close. Just promise that Aceline’s life is safe. She’s very open-minded and doesn’t care about stuff like having a weird secret. She may become the first one you open your heart too, but that can only happen if her life is safe. I don’t want to cause any problem with her lovely stay. If this concert were to change into a bloodbath; I can’t help but think how many people would needlessly die. This city has truly had an effect on me, the people all walk with smiles and eyes filled with happiness,” the tone filled with compassion and regret.

“I understand,” using the sleeves, the prince wiped the tears and threw out a smile. “You needn’t worry about her safety. There was really no threat to her life since the beginning. I just like to meet all the new up and coming artists. I did say I like pretty things, and she’s one of them. Anyone who doesn’t meet me first isn’t going to make it in the entertainment industry, you see – that side of the capital is ruled by me,” he pulled out his tongue. “Not in a bad way, I just like to give anyone a shot at fame and success.” By heart, the young prince wasn’t a bad person. Just someone misunderstood and one who needed a friend and a companion to rely on.

“No need to worry,” Staxius spoke, “-now that things are cleared up. If anything were to happen, you’ve got another person to seek out if needed,” he left without taking the time to listen.

‘It’s rather amusing to see that people don’t only have dark secrets, but ones that are innocent and unique, just like Ernis. I’m glad he didn’t turn out to be a lust-crazed individual; I’ve seen too much of that kind. Imagine the prince having plans to abduct Aceline and force her into doing a lustful thing to get by in the entertainment industry. It soothes my heart to finally see an untainted side of life,’ the table came in view, Scott waved.

“What took you so long?” the manager asked. “Just had a quiet little talk with his highness; a trustworthy fellow,” the phone got handed over.

“When did y-” baffled, Scott remained speechless.

“I’m back,” Ernis sat with confidence and relief. “Welcome back your highness,” Lucy spoke, the tipsiness went away, the mind regained its composure. “Thanks,” he replied, dessert was ordered.

To that, Aceline bonded with the prince. Adete and Staxius spoke and fought, she stood on the table and held a toothpick; it was to be used as a sword. As her opponent, Staxius took another toothpick, both fought and played. Scott and Lucy conversed amongst themselves.

Minutes turned into hours; more food was ordered. Given that this place was high-end, the noise from conversations was kept to a minimum. Neither one of them did anything to disturb the other guest.

“Lucy,” Ernis called out.

“Staxius,” Aceline called out.

“Would you please tell us tales about how the both of you met,” they spoke in tandem. With a shrug, he faced Lucy for confirmation. “Why not,” she began, the tale of their encounter got told.

Scott and the rest were mesmerized. Since the start, the way Staxius was portrayed was of a boy confused most of the time. An indecisive strong boy who had gained fame in one day. From being accepted as an Apprentice to fighting on par with an SSS-ranked sorcerer, Lucy told how amazing he was. Here and there, he would correct her about things that were way off the mark.

“In the end, after defeating teacher, things happened. The only image I remember is the bloodied body being carried away. No explanation, no cause, just death; I truly believe that boy to have died,” the story ended, she stared with a smile.

“Well no need to worry, I’m here, now aren’t I?” not wanting any more questions to be raised, a waiter got called over. The bill was paid, 5 gold per person. After that, all headed into the hotel, Lucy and his highness stayed over as well. The top floor had more than enough beds to accommodate two more people. Ernis decided to stay with Scott and Staxius. Lucy long tried to argue that his safety was a priority.

“I shall be sleeping with Staxius and Scott, the former, if I’m to remind you, is far more powerful; why are you worried?” the words cut deep and the first day ended.

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