The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 48

“I’ve said this before, please, let’s discuss this in a civil manner,” Staxius spoke once more. He purposefully let his dark aura poisoned the trigger-happy man.

“F-fine, w-who are you?” Seeing Thomas get back onto his feet, the second guard gathered up his courage and pointed his gun instead.

“Again, don’t make me repeat myself,” patience was running out. The right cheek began to twitch.

*Beep,* A strange sound took them by surprise – everyone stared at the third guard. “G-guys, I f-found the alarm…” The whole facility went into lock-down, red lights, the turrets looked high and low to find the culprit. In less than five seconds, an entire platoon ran out of the main building, they carried rifles. The turrets, on the other hand, some hidden in the wall; peeked out. They all aimed at the unsuspecting Staxius.

At that moment, he held a grin; the situation felt like a Deja-vue. “ROSE,” He yelled, out of the corner of his eyes he spotted a device resembling an eyeball staring down at him. “-do you wish for me to kill your men once more?” He stared directly at the supposed hidden watchful eye. Hearing him scream, everyone else got on edge – the order to shoot hadn’t come down from the higherups yet. They readily waited, finger inches away from the trigger. The entire platoon wore armored uniforms in the color of black – only the insignia of golden color contrast against that backdrop. A thunder mark with dragon features, it was the same old insignia – a proof that she didn’t betray their long-made alliance. The seconds felt like hours, everyone waited – up in the control room, Rose got the news.

“Ma’am, someone has trespassed into our territory.” Sat in a dark room, Rose Edelina worked. She was busy gathering and filtering all the information that was given to her daily, her agency had grown popular over the years. The war helped massively. “Why do you keep calling me ma’am, aren’t we married.” She scowled.

“I’m sorry, but it’s all to strange to me, this sort of familiarity.” The voice replied with a certain nervousness in its tone.


“What’s the matter?” She was focused on her work, almost obsessive.

“As I said, someone has or is trying to trespass into our compound without permission nor notice.”

“Has the order to shoot been given out?”

“Well, no.”

“Why not?” Her tone gained volume, “it’s our policy to kill anyone who dares defy us.” In a seemingly flawless motion, she swung around and stared Isac. “Is there something you want to add?” her gaze felt lifeless, she looked dead inside.

“Well, that man just said something that may pique your interest…” Deep breath in, he quoted, “Do you wish for me to kill your man once more?”

She made a tsk sound and got back to her work. “Just kill the man, obviously, an arrogant little brat, let’s see him face our army.” Reluctantly, Isac stepped out and gave the green light to open fire.

“I guess there’s no other way,” the guards received the order, a barrage of gunfire was opened. It was like rain but faster and deadlier. “She never learns.” Once more, without incantation, he used shadow-step and vanished. He hid behind the beautiful car Undrar lent him. As time went by, the car was assaulted in his stead, the bonnet was ruined.

“Sister is going to be mad.” He shuddered at the thought of seeing that dragon mad. Everything began to slow down, “what is happening, my anger, my frustrations, my emotions, they…they are vanishing.” Something began to change from within, his strong will to leave behind all his emotions finally broke Undrar’s spell. The artificial element that made him not feel anything broke – the seal cracked. The death element, on the other hand, didn’t rely on anything, just the mage’s strength, mana capacity, and wisdom. All the talk about anger fueling his growth was but a lie. “This feeling, or rather, this emptiness, I’m back… everything is black and white – no hue nor color. I feel, nothing.”

His face changed, the expression he once held of happiness, contempt, anger, and sadness all froze – the lips and eyes relaxed, everything went blank. The eyes turned emotionless; he was back. “Poor little car, your sacrifice hasn’t been in vain, time to kill.”

Deep within those emotionless eyes, a small hint of the fire remained, the void flame wasn’t extinguished yet. *Daemonum Gladio,* the demonic sword got conjured. “It’s been a while, old friend.” He spoke, still hidden behind the car. As if saying “long time no see,” the blade lit with a red flame. Instantly, everything changed – Staxius jumped out and lunged himself at the platoon, he regained his freedom; the freedom to slaughter. One by one, everyone fell, head sliced clean off their host’s bodies. He had no remorse, no regret, no mercy; this is the way things should have been from the start. Dodging left and right, zig-zagging between opponents, his agility and speed proved too hard for the turrets to keep up with. The dust-filled ground soon got damped by the blood of its guardians. “WHO IS THAT MAN,” people yelled, some screamed, some ran, and some shot their own comrades. In the end, everyone was killed. Staxius’s sprint ended, he slid across space in-between the bodies he dismembered and faced the entrance. Crouched, with his left hand on the scabbard, he swung the bloodied sword at the ground and sheathed it. The sword’s red blade turned black.

The wind blew harder than ever, the building seemed to scream out in agony. Staxius stared the watchful eye once more, face bloodied, he let out a small smirk. “Humans are weak creatures, the smell of iron, the smell of death, the smell of pain and misery, how have I forgotten you. Emotions are a burden, this is what true strength looks like, cower before me for I, Staxius Haggard, son of Tempest Haggard, has awakened.”

“Rose Edelina, does thou wish to keep I waiting?” He spoke.

“MA’AM,” Isac dashed into her room. “What is it this time?”

“I-it’s h-him.” She spun around to see Isac sweating profusely. “Him who?”

“T-the m-man, a-a d-demon.” His eyes turned hallow, he witnessed the slaughter of Thunderstain’s

guard platoon. “Isac, SPEAK GOD DAMN IT.” He went silent.

“Who in the world is attacking us in this day and age, what is this, some kind of joke?” A nauseating feeling enveloped the whole room, “w-what is happening?” Rose looked around desperately but she could only see black. Out of instinct, she reached under her table and turned on the light.

“Yo,” Staxius spoke monotonously while leaning slightly to his right and putting out the peace sign.

Her gaze changed from shocked to disappointed. “Who are you and how did you end up here?” She asked infuriated.

“Tis only I, Staxius Haggard.”

“What do you mean Staxius Haggard, that man died long ago.”

“Maybe this will help my cause,” he held out the dragon crest and guild card.

“These are authentic but for all I know, they may be fake… do you have any proof?” Slowly she reached for her gun. “Proof,” using his index finger and thumb to hold his chin, he thought.

“Put your hands up,” She demanded. Ignoring her gun, he continued mumbling stuff to himself.

“Don’t you feel anything? I’ve got a gun aimed at your forehead – do you wish to die?”

“Don’t underestimate me, that gun is but a toy, you’d be far better at throwing rocks.” He smugly added.

“One more word and I’ll kill you I swear,” her voice got serious.

“I’d like to see you try,” he got closer, grabbed the gun, and pointed it at his own heart. “Now then,

you’ve got a point-blank shot, why not shoot?” His gaze felt cold and empty, his head unknowingly leaned to his right. “What’s the matter? Your hands are trembling.” He spoke slowly.

“W-who are y-you?” Even with the gun in her hand, she felt threatened. “I’m Staxius Haggard, your ally, don’t you remember, we kissed and drank each other’s blood that one time you thought I was going to defile you?” He let out a quiet chuckle and changed his emotions to friendly and harmless. “Rose, oh dear Rose, you’ve grown, you’ve aged, how I wish I’d have been present to see you blossom.” He added cheerfully. The room was now brightly lit, the air felt light and fresh as opposed to when he first appeared.

“You still haven’t answered my question about how you got in here?”

“I mean, I knew you’d be in the tunnel from the very start, after all – we did form a pact here.”

“You say that, but I still don’t believe you.” Her skepticism was over the top.

“How rude, isn’t my face and crest enough to prove my credibility?”

“What kind of fool do you take me for? I’m an information broker – such minute evidence won’t do anything to prove who you are. Besides, the Staxius I knew is already dead.”

“You want hard evidence, how about a bet? You seem awfully confident in my death.”

“What kind of bet?”

“If I’m able to prove my word, you are obliged to do anyone thing I order you to.”

“And if I win?”

“I’ll do whatever, simple and easy?”

“Basically, you have to prove that your Staxius Haggard and I just have to sit around.”

“Yep, that’s it, no strings attached.”

“I’ll entertain you, let’s shake hands.”

In Rose’s mind, she was sure Staxius had died, or rather, she didn’t want to think he was still alive. For you see, she and Thunderstain personally attended his funeral, everyone grieved, but she more than anyone else – there’s nothing more, nothing less, he just left without saying anything. Deep inside, she was more angry than sad. Now, imagine someone just showing up out of nowhere and saying they are that very person; of course, you’d be a skeptic. With that in mind, she accepted the bet, she was going to ask for the imposter to kill himself if she won.

“Now then, my dearest Rose, please stand back.” Unwillingly she obeyed.

“Fenrir, god-slayer, and devourer of the sun, heed my call, for I, your master has summoned thee.”

“What are you doing, Fenrir is soul bound to Staxius Haggard alone…” A white and blue light

manifested, a portal opened, coming out of it, Fenrir, in her human form. “Master, did you call?” she immediately hugged him. “Thanks for coming, Fenrir, I only wanted to see you in all your splendor.”

He lovingly patted her head from which wolf ears sprouted forth. Happy, she wiggled her furry tail back and forth. “Hey there Rose,” Fenrir spoke nonchalantly.

“B-but how…” Rose was lost in thought, it wasn’t possible. “Oh, Rose, I forgot to tell you that master was revived by goddess Tharis. Apparently, the wife of Sten Parcyvell was really an apostle. The thing is too complicated, but this man is truly Staxius Haggard.”

“Thanks for vouching for me Fenrir, you’re the best.” He smiled.

“Master, you’ve kind of changed, but I don’t mind it; so, can I go back now?”

“Yes, you may, and thanks for everything.” The same white and blue glow blinded everyone and

she disappeared.

“Guess I’ve won the bet.”

“Go to hell, do you know how much I’ve wished for you to come back?” Her tone changed, the lifeless gaze she once had slowly revived. “Wait, before we do the welcome party, I have something really important to tell you.”

“Go on… I’m not suspicious or anything.” She spoke sarcastically.

“I might have slaughtered your entire platoon on the way here.” He scratched his head innocently.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SLAUGHTERED?” The whole room echoed.

“R-Rose…” Isac got back to his prior self, his consciousness came back. Sadly, the first thing he saw was the man who just killed so many people. Shocked, he jumped back and took out his gun. “It’s him, he killed our men.” He aimed, but he shivered from top to bottom.

“Doesn’t this bring you back?” Staxius casually added.

“Darling, stop, that man is our ally.” She helped him lower his hand.

“What do you mean, ally?” he spun around and asked, “-an ally doesn’t just slaughter whoever stands in his way.”

“You got your answer, didn’t you?” Isac’s expression changed, “A-are you S-Staxius H-Haggard?”

“The one and only,” Staxius got closer and whispered without Rose realizing what was going on.

“-so, you managed to make her your wife, did you take her virtue yet? Or shall I do it for you.” He jokingly fell back. Isac’s face turned bright red, obviously, that thought hadn’t crossed his mind.

“Rose, have you and him gotten married?”

“Y-yes, is it strange?”

“No… where are your kids? Don’t they want to meet uncle Staxius?”

“Put a sock in it, Isac is just to shy to do anything unvirtuous to me, but that’s why I love him.”

“Oh – love, how cruel must you be to not have given me the chance to bathe in your ecstasy.”


“Cut it out, what brings you here?”

“I’ve come to demand a favor…” his friendly aura changed to serious, “-before we settle that, our little bet was won by yours truly.” He smirked.

“Oh god no…”

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